41. A Tale of Two Stans

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Robin's POV/The Present/Stan's and Ford's narrating= Normal font
Third person POV/The Past= Italics


196-something, Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey:

Two young twins that went by the name of Stanley and Stanford Pines happily ran across the beach in the search for adventure. Since Stanley was more known to be more athletic than Stanford, he was able to outrun the little guy. Stanford tried to keep up, huffing and puffing along the way. "Hehehehe! Wait up!" Stanford shouted.

"Heh! Yeah, you should keep up!" Stanley yelled back, slowing down for the sake of his brother.

"I-I can keep up!" Stanford stuttered. Him and Stanley came upon a boarded up cave and stopped to examine it, completely ignoring the "no trespassing" signs. Stanford walked up and peaked through to see if there was anything. "Whoa!"

Stanley walked up as well and peaked through. "Neato!" he agreed.

Stanford stepped back from the cave. "Mysterious, boarded-up cave! It might be filled with lost prehistoric life forms! Or mesoamerican gold!" he exclaimed, taking out his flashlight since he was ready to explore.

Stanley playfully gestured for his twin to lead the way. "Uh, ladies first," he said.

The two of them playfully punched each other in the arm as they laughed together. Stanford walked towards the cave and tried to pry off one of the many boards, but failed and stumbled backwards, falling on his back.

Stanley laughed at him. "Ha ha! Good thing you've got your smarts, Poindexter. I've got the other thing. What is it called?" Stanley asked himself. "Oh, right, punching!" He smirked as he punched through a board, breaking it open. He pulled his hand away and looked at it, which now had splinters all over it. "Cool. Splinters!"

Stanford held up his flashlight, shining it along the walls. "Whoa, it's so creepy in here!" he stated.

Stanley fearlessly came into the cave. "Hey, don't worry, bro. Wherever we go, we go together. Don't forget to leave our names so they know who owns the place," he suggested to his twin.

Stanford grinned as he pulled out a permanent black marker from his pocket. He and Stanley went over to a nearby wall and signed their names. Stanley's was in regular text and Stanford's was, of course in neat cursive. Stanford was finishing up their last name before they started walking out of the cave, chanting, "Pines! Pines! Pines! Pines!"

2012, Gravity Falls, Oregon:


Once Soos came to, him, the twins and I all continued to stare at the two Stans before us. I was so at a lose of words. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a sharp pain through my knee. I hissed and Dipper helped my sit down by a nearby rock, but we both still stared at the Stans. Stan smiled widely at the man, holding his arms out for a hug as he made his way towards him. "Finally! After all these long years of waiting, you're actually here! Brother!" Stan exclaimed. The man, however, didn't look too thrilled to see his so-called brother. Instead of a hug, he punched Stan right in his face.

I laughed and cheered. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" I chanted and Dipper gave me a look, making me go quiet.

Stan held the cheek that the man hit. "Oh! Ow! What the heck was that for?!" he snapped.

"This was an insanely risky move: restarting the portal! Didn't you read my warnings?!" the man asked Stan in disbelief.

"Warnings, schmarnings," Stan ridiculed. "How's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of sci-fi side burn dimension?" he asked, looking at the man's hair.

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