35. Little Gift Shop of Horrors

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The night was gloaming and blustery as you made your way through the lands of Oregon. Everything was going fine until your car started acting up. It slowly made its way to a stop as you exclaimed, "No! No no no no!" It finally stopped, leaving a puff of smoke in the hood. You sighed, leaning back in your seat. "Dang it," you mumbled. Finally, you opened up your door and hopped out, looking at the damage. "Maybe I can see if there's anyone around to help." You started making your way through the woods, crushing soggy leaves under your feet and snapping twigs. In the distance, you stopped a Shack. "Thank the lord."

You walked up and knocked on the door only to have Stan Pines answer it, holding a lantern. "Well, hello there, traveler," he greeted you. "I see your car broke down on this lonesome country road. A place so remote, that NO ONE CAN HEAR YOUR SCREAMS!" You fearfully began to back away. "Pretend I didn't say that. Come in, come in," he said as you made your way towards him. "But be warned: if you enter, you may be subjected to my tales... TALES DESIGNED TO SELL MY MERCHANDISE!" He laughed manically but stopped when he noticed you giving him a strange look. "Sorry, I was thinking of somethin' funny I heard earlier." Stan then lead you inside the Shack. "You've come to the Mystery Shack after hours. A time when the most cursed objects are for sale! Like that thing! There..." He motioned to a lump of random body parts that were groaning.

You cringed. "Ew," you said.

"Nope? Not a fan? Too many orifices? Well, I guess my nephew's girlfriend is the only one that likes this. Alright, I can tell what you're looking for is this," he pulled a hand out of a chest, "disembodied hand!"

"Why is it so expensive?" you asked.

"Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a tale," Stan said as you picked up an Eye of Sauron, examining it. "And it's called HANDS OFF!" He furrowed his brows when he saw the object in your hand. "No seriously, hands off," he took the eye from you, "that's not for sale. Alright, HANDS OFF!!"


Today, the twins, Stan, and Robin all went to the Gravity Falls Swap Meet. They walked through, looking at all the neat stands. Dipper was holding onto a purple balloon with one hand and held Robin's hand with the other. She spotted a stand that said "Baby Parts" and she smiled widely. She started walking towards it, but Dipper pulled her back, shaking his head. She pouted and Dipper kissed her cheek which made her feel better.

"Swap meet, swap meet, swap meet!" Mabel chirped as they continued to walk. "Look at all these priceless treasures! Bobbly heads!" She ran over to a stand that had three bobbly heads that looked like monsters and she flicked them. "They agree with everything I say."

Dipper and Robin walked over to a rack of glasses and Dipper put a pair on. "Professor glasses! They make me look like a genius!" he said and turned around, but ended up crashing into the glasses rack.

Robin fell to her knees laughing. "Oh my god, dude!" she laughed. "That was-that was hilarious!" Dipper glared at her as he stood up. Robin stood up and wiped away a fake tear, taking the glasses off of Dipper. "Geez, slick, I thought you would've learned from wearing my glasses. If you don't need them, don't put them on!"

Stan made his way over to a stand that was selling watches. "Look at these vogue gold beauties! They're mob boss quality!" he said. He looked up at the seller, who was a woman giving him a look as she read a magazine. He turned around to face the twins and Robin and knelt down to them. "Okay, kids. Prepare to watch the delicate art of the deal. Robin, you can learn a bit more from my skills."

"Hey, I'm great at makin' deals!" Robin retorted.

Stan scoffed. "Sure ya are," he said. Robin growled at him as he turned to face the woman again. "Hey, Hagface! How much for the junk watches?" he rudely asked her.

Possessed By Passion (Gravity Falls Fanfiction - Dipper Pines x OC) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now