36. Society of the Blind Eye

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Dipper and I sat on his bed in the attic, looking at a poster board. We had set up all these possible clues and pictures on the board to try to figure out who the author was. Dipper was busy chewing on a pen. "Alright author, who are you? Who are you...?" he muttered. He bit down harder on the pen and it broke, splattering ink all over his mouth and face. "Blech! Not again," he grimaced and wiped his mouth, tossing the pen into a box labeled: "THINKING PENS" with other broken, chewed up pens.

I sighed and placed my hands on my hips. "This is, I think, the fourth time you've done this. I thought you would've learned by now," I remarked.

"You callin' me stupid, Peters?" Dipper teased.

"Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people," I teased. Dipper stuck his tongue out at me and I scrunched my nose at him. He kissed my nose and I playfully shoved him away.

Mabel then came running into the room, flopping down on Dipper's bed. "Hey, bro-bro and Robarazzi," she greeted. "Look what I got!" She held up a green bottle.

"Yay, a filthy green bottle!" I said sarcastically. Dipper snickered.

"It's a bottle message from Mermando, remember? He was part fish, part shirtless guy," Mabel informed as she sat up. Dipper had told me about the whole Mermando thing and all. Mabel gasped. "What if he wants to get back together?" she asked hopefully.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel," Dipper said.

"Too late! Hopes are way way up!" Mabel rejoiced as she pulled the paper out of the bottle. Dipper and I sat next to her on the bed. She kicked her legs as she squealed excitedly, making us smile at her. ""Dear Mabel..." she read. "So far so good! "It is with a heavy heart..." So far so good!" Dipper and I exchanged an unsure look. "...that I must inform you, I'm getting married"?!"

"And there it is," Dipper said as I looked worriedly at Mabel.

""In order to prevent an undersea civil war... arranged wedding... Queen of the Manatees?!" she finished reading. I looked over her shoulder and saw an unhappy Mermando next to the Manatee Queen. "And she's so beautiful! This can't be happening!" Mabel cried.

"Oh, Mabel. You'll get over him eventually," Dipper reassured as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You don't understand, Dipper," Mabel said. She pulled out her scrapbook and opened it. "On my first day here, I made this page for summer romances. You and Robin's relationship filled an entire page so I had to make a new one for me. Look at my luck," she said and pointed to a picture of Norman. "Turned out to be gnomes," she pointed to a picture of Gideon, "child psycho," pointed to a picture of Gabe Bensen, "made out with his own hands. And now..." She then wrote "FAILED" at the top of the page and stuck the picture of Mermando underneath it. "I wish I could just forget about them forever."

"Hey, if it's any consolation, our summer mission isn't a huge success either," Dipper informed.

I nodded and stood up. "Yeah. We're still trying to find the author of this journal, but with this laptop smashed, we've lost any lead in finding him," I said, motioning to the smashed laptop.

Mabel stood up and looked at the laptop through her bottle. "Wait a minute. guys, look!" she said, holding the bottle out.

"Through your bottle?" Dipper asked.

"Just do it," Mabel commanded.

Dipper took the bottle and peered through it, looking at the laptop. His eyes widened. ""McGucket Labs," he said.

"Wait, Old Man McGucket?" I asked.

"You don't think...?" Mabel trailed off.

"Couldn't be... Doesn't make any sense, unless..." I murmured. I went back to the board and started connecting pictures and tying strings to multiple pins. "This matches with this... This goes over here... And then the name... So that would mean..."

Possessed By Passion (Gravity Falls Fanfiction - Dipper Pines x OC) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now