19. Summerween

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It was an early morning in the town of Gravity Falls. A great day for Stan to take Mabel, Soos, Robin, and I all shopping. Robin came because, well... Stan was too afraid to say "no". We pulled into the parking lot of a store, but Stan recklessly crashed into a "handicap parking" sign. We all got out of the car and Stan announced, "Here we are, the Summerween Superstore!"

"Wait, Summer-what?" I asked confusingly.

"Summerween!" Stan repeated and pulled out a calendar. "The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year. And wouldn't you know it, it's today!"

"Yeah," Robin agreed. "And in Gravity Falls, anything could happen on Summerween." She snaked her arm around my waist and I threw my arm around her shoulder.

"Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?" I asked Stan.

He paused, glancing away. "Yes," he answered.

"Summerween? Something about this feels unnatural," Mabel said, suspiciously.

Soos put an arm around Mabel and I. "There's free candy!" Mabel, Robin, and I all looked at each other and rushed inside the store with Soos and Stan following behind.

Mabel hopped into a wheelbarrow and I pushed her along while Robin ran behind us, wearing a hockey mask. "TO THE COSTUME AISLE!" we all shouted.

I saw Soos over by the skeleton heads and he pressed it. "I'd lend you a hand... but I don't seem to have any!" the skull said and started cackling.

Soos laughed. "Haha, this guy tells it like it is."

"Sir, could you please stop pushing that?" I heard the cashier ask.

"Ma'am, make these heads less hilarious, and you got yourself a deal." He pressed the skull again and it cackled.

I stopped pushing Mabel as I looked up at the costumes. "Hey, Robin, look at this one," I said, pointing to a gorilla costume. No response. "Robin? Ro-"

"HEERREESS, ROBIN!" she screamed out of nowhere, causing me to run away, pushing the wheelbarrow.

As I was running, I accidentally swerved and crashed into a stack of jack o' melons. Mabel and I laughed as Robin walked up to me and knelt down with a huge grin on her face. "Never... do that... again," I laughed.

Robin held out her hand for me and I gladly took it. Mabel stood up. "Well, Dipper, maybe if you weren't so easily scared, she wouldn't have done that," Mabel said, laughing a little.

"Oh, no, I would've done that either way." Robin smiled. I playfully glared at the both of them.

"Have the police come and eject the Pines family from the store," I heard the cashier announce on a walkie-talkie. We all nervously looked at each other and Robin and Mabel hopped in the wheelbarrow.

We ran out and Stan tossed a smoke bomb onto the ground. "NOT TODAY!!" he shouted. We ran to the car as Stan and Soos carried Summerween supplies.

"You payed for this stuff, right?" Mabel asked Stan.

"Of course," He replied.

Robin looked up at me. "He's lying straight through those yellow teeth of his," she whispered. We both snickered.

All of us hopped into the car and Stan started it up. Then, he accidentally drove into a inflatable Summerween decoration, causing it to deflate. "Let's move!" he shouted. The car switched direction and we were off.

Possessed By Passion (Gravity Falls Fanfiction - Dipper Pines x OC) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now