29. Scary-oke

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After the Gideon incident, the Mystery Shack decided to throw a party to celebrate.

Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and I stood on top of the gift shop counter as the town cheered us on. "Welcome to the grand re-opening of the Mystery Shack!" Stan announced and the tourists cheered. "We're here to celebrate we defeated that skunk Li'l Gideon!" Stan held up a Li'l Gideon doll.

"Boo!" the tourists shouted.

"Please, please... boo harder!" Stan gestured for them to do so.

"BOO!" the tourists shouted louder.

"But I didn't catch that pork chop all alone. These three scamps deserve SOME of the glory." Stan playfully tousled my hair and Dipper's hat. Mabel elbowed Stan and I glared at him. "Okay, okay. Most of the glory," he corrected himself.

Toby walked up to us holding a cinder block painted to look like a camera. "Smile for the camera!" Toby said.

"Your camera's a cinder block, Toby," I stated.

"I just wanna be apart of things..."

Shandra Jimenez walked up to us with a real camera. "Smile for a REAL camera," she said.

"Everybody say "Something Stupid!" Mabel cheered.

Mabel poked her cheeks, Stan put up jazz hands, I pretend to use the force on Dipper, and he pretended to choke himself. "Something Stupid!" the four of us cheered.

"And don't forget to come to the after-party at eight," Stan said.

"We're doing a Karaoke bonanza, people! Light! Music! Enchantment!" Mabel said and she blew confetti out of her hand. "And an amazing karaoke-performance by our family band, "Love Patrol Alpha!" Mabel held out a poster which had a drawn on picture of Stan, Mabel, Dipper, and I. Underneath our pictures, we had titles for us. Dipper's said: "Mr.Paranoid", Mabel's said: "The Heartbreaker", Stan's said: "The Old One", and mine said: "Miss Aggressive". It also said Love Patrol Alpha at the top.

"I don't know about that," Dipper said, scratching his arm.

"I never agreed to that ever," Stan said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I think you were hearing things," I said, giving her a serious look.

"Too late! I wrote your names on the list! It's happening," Mabel said, biting down on the poster.

Wendy walked into the gift shop, blowing down on an air horn. "Buy your ticket people! You know you don't have anything going on in your lives!" she announced. "I'm talking to you, pizza guy! Don't lame out on me!" The tourists then followed Wendy outside.

We hopped off the counter and Stan sighed in delight. "The town loves us, we finally got that Gideon smell out of the carpet. Everything is finally going my way."

Dipper and I looked at each other then at Stan. "Hey, Grunkle Stan. Now that we have a moment. We've been meaning to ask you for our journal back," Dipper informed and I nodded.

"Huh? Journal?" Stan searched himself then lifted up a cooler and pulled out the journal, "Oh!" He laughed. "You mean this thing? It was so boring I couldn't even finish it," he stated and handed Dipper the journal.

"Wait, you're just gonna give it to us? Just like that?" I asked.

"What else do you want? A kiss on the cheek?" Stan asked, sarcastically.

"We... we gotta go!" Dipper took a hold of Mabel's arm by surprise.

"Whoa!" Mabel said.

Dipper and I lead her up to the attic. Dipper locked the door, I turned Mabel's stuffed animals around, he pulled down the screen on the window, and turned on his electric lamp. Mabel sat down on her bed, "Mabel, we got to talk," Dipper said. "Almost losing our journal made us realize that we're halfway through the summer, and still no closer to figuring out the big mysteries of Gravity Falls."

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