16. Don't Deny

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So, it was a couple days after the little... incident and I still couldn't get it out of my head. Oh man! Why did he do that?! It made things completely awkward between us! Ever since what happened, I couldn't even face Dipper! Whenever I would go to work at the shack, we wouldn't look each other in the eye. I can't even hang out with him! I suspected Mabel knew something was up since she would always eye us all the time. So, I called her over.

About a few minutes later, Mabel showed up. She knocked on my bedroom door and I answered. "Hey, Robin, what's - GAH!" I dragged her inside and sat her on my bed. "Whoa, what's so urgent that you called and begged me to come over at 7:22 in the morning?"

I began pacing back and forth in front of her. "I could tell you knew something was up with me, and you're right. But I can't tell you what it is. I should tell you, but I can't! I have to. I never will! I'm going to. Let's just drop it. What's up with you?"

"Come on, Robin! Just say it," Mabel said.

I sucked in a deep breath and blurted, "Dipper and I kissed!"

She gasped and said, "I knew there was something going on between you two! You're the reason he's been acting all weird and nervous!" She stood up and walked up to me. "I can't believe it! You kissed my own twin brother! You were his first real kiss!" She nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. "You probably made him really happy, if you know what I mean." She nudged me some more.

"Stop acting like I wanted it to happen! I didn't want it to happen. I'm lucky we just kissed. My pants kept saying, 'Take me off!' and I was like, 'No pants!'."

"But this is so exciting!" Mabel chirped.

"Will you stop? Don't be such a girl."

"Wow, I thought you called me over here to help get you down from the countertop as you tried to get your grandmother's secret cookie stash again, but you're telling me you kissed Dipper? That is so sweet!"

"It's not "sweet,"" I retorted. "It's like a disease. I become friends with Dipper and I caught feelings. I caught feelings bad. I tried to ignore it and everything."

"Robin, you don't "catch" feelings, you just have them. And they're good," Mabel informed.

"They're terrible! I can't eat, I can't sleep. He's all I think about. I close my eyes, I see Dipper. I, I hear a song; it reminds me of Dipper," I said.

"Well, if you want Dipper to be your boyfriend-"

I scoffed to cut Mabel off. ""Boyfriend"? I don't want Dipper to be my boyfriend."

"Well, what do you want, then?" Mabel asked.

I walked over to my nightstand, pulled out a bag of coconut flavored cookies and sat down on my bed. "I don't know. I just want to be with him. All the time. I want him to hear about my day and tell me about his. I want him to hold my hand and smell my hair..." I trailed off as I looked into the distance. Then, I came to. "But I don't want him to be my stupid boyfriend." I shoved a handful of cookies into my mouth and some crumbs got onto me.

Mabel chuckled and sat down next to me, picking some crumbs off my clothes. "Robin, what you just described is a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. And a pretty clingy one at that. I can tell you're worrying about all this, though."

I looked confusingly at her. "How?"

She took the bag from me and held it in front of my face. "This is how. You're stress eating. Whenever you're worried or sad, you either eat, break things, or scream. So, what are you worried about this time?"

Possessed By Passion (Gravity Falls Fanfiction - Dipper Pines x OC) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now