(Chapter 38) A rivalry it is!

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Elson's pov

It was depressing, really. I'm glad Elsa is there again to support, and comfort me again. I wonder, when she'll be able to visit him. He really missed her, he thought she was a nice girl, and treated her, like a daughter.

"How was your visit, sir?" The woman behind the counter asked with a sad frown on her face. She always saw me, when I come, and visit here, but she still doesen't know my name.

"Same as always. Please take good care of him, and call me if anything happens to him." I said in a concern tone. I don't want him to die, not now, just not now.

"Yes, sir." The woman say. "But before you leave, sir. You seem a bit more happy, when you came in. I know, it's not any of my concern, I was just curious." She said.

"Just a friend, that I haven't seen in a long time now." I said, was the only answer I said before I was about to leave, when the lady called me out again. Can't you see, this dramatic exit that was about to happen, lady?! It turned back around to face the woman.

"I always forgot to give this to you, when you leave." She said looking for something. I walked infront of the conter to see, what she was going to give me. "A young girl brought this a few months ago. She looked almost like you, she said to give it to a boy that looks almost like her." The woman said handing me a small blue pouch, that looks to be full with things.

"Thank you, is that all?" I asked turning back to the woman as she nodded her head with a smile.

I then walked torwards the exit, and to my car, where I opened the pouch. From what the description, the woman gave me. I was sure it was Elsa. I opened it, and saw a few candies, a note that was rolled to fit the pouch, and a few small pictures. I took out the pictures.

To see, it was a picture of me, and her. When we were children, highschool students, and our graduation. I put them back in, and took the note, and un-rolled it.


Hey, Elson.
It's been awhile since, I've seen you. I manage to find the hospital, where he's in, and gave the pouch to the woman in the counter. I even visited him, too bad he was asleep, and you weren't there.

I just wanted to say thank you for being my friend, and I hope to see you again. You're probably wondering, why I din't just visit you instead of writing this crumy letter. Well, the first reason is, I was busy. And my innocent little sister is being slowly corrupted right now.

Love Elsa Arendelle

Ps: I din't added any puns or jokes in since, I din't want to ruin the dramatic reading.

Pps: flip over please


What no puns? She usually add some, atleast one.


Fun puns: What is a hockey players favorite tea? Penaltea!

What do sea monsters eat for lunch? Fish, and chips!

Where do you find a birthday present for a cat? In a cat-alogue!

Ppps: you think I'll just let it all be drama? Think again! I hate drama, but I do love romance, and comedy! Have fun being annoyed with my hilarious puns!


My eyes twitched as I read all the puns, she's made. She never changed at all. I should really thank her for this...... with her...... puns.

Jack's pov

He sighed.

"Alright fine. I'm gonna go dress now, I would have continued swimming if you or Elsa joined me." He said before going to the dressing room.

"He asked you to swim with him?" I asked trying my best not to grit my teeth.

"Yeah, he did, but I was just too busy to just slack off, and go swimming." She said, then looked at me. "And besides. I don't want to wear a bathing suit. My brothers would have killed me." She said as she smiled.

"Elsa!" I heared a familiar voice shouted from behind us along with loud foot steps, that just keeps getting louder, and louder in each step. We turned around in confusion, but as we both turned around, Elsa, was tackled by someone, that almost made her lose her balance, and fall to the pool.

"Elson, why? Why did you have to do that?" She muffled out, since she was being hugged by her best friend.

"Because I can, and want to." He said with a smug smile.

"How did you even get in? The others would have never let you in."

He then pulled away with a confused look.

"What are you talking about, when I opened the door, It was open. Then, when I got in, I emmediatly ran to find you." He said. I faked a cough.... they din't notice.

"You din't knock?" I coughed again a bit louder.

"I did, but no one answered."

I coughed louder, which got their attension. They both had concerned gazes.

"Are you sick, Jack. I could escort you to your room if you want?" Elsa said with a concerned tone as she suggested. Not the answer, I was hoping for.

"No.... I just had a small cough fit. Thank you for your concern." I said in a soft tone as she sighed in relief, then smiled at me.

"Aren't you just adorable." He said as he hugged her from behind, which made me Envy him a little.

"Elsa! Jack! Did you see a guy that has platinum blonde hair, wearing blue, and...." Jackson yelled, but suddenly stopped when he saw Elson. "Elsa.... who is this guy, that's hugging you, right now?" Before, Elsa could answer. I beated her to it.

"That's her childhood friend." I simply said as I crossed my arms.

"I got it!" Elsa suddenly yelled, which made the three of us look at her in confusion. "Cold shoulder!"

"What?" Jackson asked as he looked at her completly confused at the topic she's talking about.

"I'll call Jack, cold shoulder." She said as she smiled at Elson. The teprature suddenly gone cold as she said that.


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