(Chapter 4) Nervous Around You

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When she din't notice Jack, he started feeling heart broken and dizzy. Kristoff noticing something was wrong with him, almost emmediatly as it happened.

"Jack, you okay?" Kristoff asked looking down at him, a bit worried.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy." Jack answered as he touched his temples, looking down to the ground.

"It's probably, because your face is blue and you look like your gonna vomit" Flynn said, jokingly.

Hiccup then hit Flynn's arm, while glaring daggers at him.

"That isn't helping!" Hiccup scolded as he crossed his arms.

"Jack, come on, let's get you some water." Kristoff said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"But I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" Hiccup contered, grabbing his long time best friend's hand.

For the past few minutes Jack was struggling on their grip. But stopping, after a few minutes of struggling. Probably got lazy and or tired, so he jusy walked with them. When they were sure he wasn't gonna suddenly walk the other way, they stop holding on to him.

They were now in the kitchen after a few moments and struggling. "But I don't need-" But when Jack was about to continuing again protesting, he was cut off by an angelic voice.

"Water?" Elsa finished his sentence. Jack turned his head and looked at the girl, slightly shorter then him, who was smiling widely at him.

He took the water from her pale hands, and drinks the water she gave him. He just couldn't help, but smile like an idiot.

"Elsa, can you play with us?" Suddenly Sofie walked over to her and pleaded with her puppy dog faces that always work on me.

"Of course, I can." She said, happily as she took the little girl's hand.

"Yay!" Sofie yelled happily. Guiding her out of the kitchen, probably showing her, her toys.

"What just happened?" Hiccup asked looking at the door behind them, where they entered and the two girls used to leave, then torwards Jack.

"I think, she just brain washed Jack or something?" Flynn answered as he waved his hand infront of him, almost hitting him in the process. Jack then sat down in the one the chairs, when the waving was over and started day dreaming ignoring his own close friends.


'That Jack seemed quite odd, but he was kinda funny, when he smiled at me.' Elsa thought as turned away from the kids torwards one of the large windows outside. 'Although, I wonder if he was alright at that moment.'

"Elsa, can we play hide and seek?" Sofie asked as she skipped torwards Elsa, holding tightly a light brown stuffed teddy bear with a light blue ribbon around the bear's neck.

"Of course. I'll count to ten and you three hide, but remember no hiding in any other floor, but here, and no going out, okay?" I explained.

"Okay!" They said in unison. Elsa turned on her heal and faced the light pink wall. Then burried her head in her arms, along with closing her eyes.

As she counted, she heared the small click of the door, along with small high pitched giggling and foot steps quickly disappearing.


Meanwhile, Kristoff was carrying Jack, cause he's pretty gone, once he suddenly starts day dreaming. If you're lucky you might wake him up.

"Oh, it's that girl, that made Jack day dream." Flynn suddenly pointed out, once he saw her in one of the hallway, looking confused and looking at analyzing the doors presented to her.

"Oh, yeah. I wonder, what she's up to." Hiccup mused to himself as he looked at the platinum blonde with a critical and was rubbing her chin.

While Elsa was analyzing the doors, she then noticed the three who were staring at her with suspicion and curiousity. She gave them a small waved, before walking over to them.

"Hi, do you need anything?" Elsa asked, politely once she was finally face to face with them. But her smile turned to a frown, when she got nearer and now infront of them, when she started noticing Jack on Kristoff's shoulder.

"Oh, um, may I ask what you're doing, miss?" Hiccup asked, ignoring the fact that she's staring at Jack with concern. Actually, who wouldn't be concerned, when you see a guy having another guy on their shoulders and start talking to the guy with them.

"Uhh, I'm looking for the children, we were playing hide and seek." Elsa stated, still staring at the Jack. "And um, is he alright?"

"Of course, he is. He just gets.... very deep in thought, that it's hard for him to pick up reality, again." Flynn explained, which kinda freaked out Elsa, since he explained it so calmly and like it happened often.

"I think you should have an escort with you, since we don't really trust new people around the house. I hope you understand." Hiccup explained as the girl nodded in understanding.

"So, who exactly is gonna escort me? I really don't want to bother anyone or waste anyone's time."

"I think, it'd be better if Jack would help you with that."

"What?" Hiccup and Kristoff asked in unison, eyes wide in shocked at what Flynn was saying.


"I mean, he'll be back in reality in no time. We'll just leave him herw with you." Flynn said and making Kristoff put Jack down.

"Excuse us for a moment, miss." Hiccup said, politely as he pulled the two away from the other two, but near enough for them ti comr back quickly, before they suddenly leave.

"What are you trying to do right there?" Kristoff whisper yelled at Flynn.

"What do you think? I'm helping Jack out." Flynn said like it was the most obvious thing as he crossed his arms.

"Help him out? Help him out! He barely could even get him self together with that girl, what do you think will happen when he's alone with her?" Kristoff asked.

"Not everyone of us, is like Hiccup when he still hasn't crossed the bridge called 'puberty'."

"Excuse me?" Hiccup asked, clearly offended and so that's how the arguement started and them forgetting that Jack and Elsa exist.

"Um, maybe we should just go. It doesn't seem like, they're gonna be done soon." Elsa contemplated to herself as she glanced over torwards the silver haired male, who was listening in the arguement that the three of his friends were having at the moment.

She should be emotionaly and mentally ready if something happens to him, while they're searching for his siblings.

"Hey." Elsa called out, getting his attension almost emmediatly. Jack turned torwards the platinum blonde, his cheeks slightly pink. She then smiled at him before saying; "I doubt, they're gonna be finish soon. So! Let's just go and search for your siblings."

And so! They just left to go search for Jack's siblings cause you know, their arguement is gonna be along time, till they're finished and they can't just let children waste their youth hiding.


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