(Chapter 5) Taking care of you

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Elsa's pov

When we went to one of the room. We were searching for the children. Well, tecnically, I'm the only one looking for the children. While, the guy was just standing there star struck.

'I wonder what's wrong with him?' I thought. I stood up from where I was looking, and walk up to him.

"Is something wrong, Sir?" I asked a bit worried, I never really like people like this.

Jack's pov

"Are you okay, Sir?" She said making me snap out of my trans. 'Jack calm down just talk to her like any other girl you've talk to.' I scolded my self in my thoughts

"Yes, why do you ask that? Miss." I said, calmly trying to hide my nervouness.

"It's just you've been standing here blushing madly, and you kinda look like a nervous wreck to tell you the truth." She said worried, and it was written all over her face.

What she said made me heat up. That made me lower my head, so she could not see my face but she lifted my head up again to see my face, I look somewhere else to not see her reaction.

Then, she put the back of her palm on fore head, then took her hand back.

"Sir, are you sure, you're okay? You look like you have a fever." She said, worried.

"Miss, I'm fine. I'm just dizzy, and tired." I protested, but she just ignored my protest. So, I just let her carry me. Man, what does this girl eat, that she could carry me?!

"So, where's your room?" She said confused of which was my room.

"Just go straight, and when you see a door with snowflakes that's my room." I said with tired expression. I do feel a bit hot through. Maybe, I do have fever

"We're here!" She said with glee. When she opened the door. There were my friends inside. They would usually spy on me when I'm with a girl alone.

"What happen to Jack?" Flynn asked with worried.

"Aww, you do care." I said in a teasing manner. Then she layed me down slowly on my bed.

"I'll go get his parents. Fo you mind getting me a glass of water, and wet blanket? Please." She asked Kristoff.

"Sure." He said kindly.

"Thanks." She said, while going out to tell my parents.

"Wow! Bro, she just carried Jack to his room. I mean, how did she do that?" Flynn said amaze. "Come on, Flynn, I'm not that heavy." I said, pretending to be hurt from what he said.

"Kristoff, where are you going?" Flynn asked.

"Mr. Fitherbert you heard her, I'm going to get those thing she needed." Kristoff said with a teasing manner.

"I told you not to call me Mr. Bjordman." Flynn said, annoyed.

"Whatever you say, Eugene." Kristoff said then started laughing. Flynn was inrage, and threw a pillow at Kristoff only for the pillow to hit the door. Me, and Hiccup can't contain are laughter. So we burst out ,when something hit my face.

"Quit laughing red!" Flynn shouted.

"Why din't you hit Hiccup, and why did you call me 'red'?" I questioned confused as I stopped laughing.

"One. I din't hit Hiccup, because he was now laughing at you, and two. Look at yourself." He said answering my questions, and giving me a mirror. That came out of no where.

I'm not questioning the logic on that. (Because this book doesn't have any bits of logic)

I was confused for what he meant. So, I took the mirror and look at my reflection. I was red as a tomato. No wonder, she thought, I had fever, but I was disturbed by someone opening the door. It was my little siblings.

"What are you 3 doing here? I thought you 3 were playing hide n seek?" I asked them.

"We were, but when we saw Elsa carring you. We thought something was wrong with you." Emma said, clearly worried. "And there is something wrong with you. Your face is red as a tomato, Jack." Said Jaime teasing me with a grin in his face.

"Jackson!" I heard a feminine shout my name.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked them.

"Yeah. Was that your mother?" Hiccup asked me. I have a feeling that the one who's shouting is her.

Then, my mother burst in my room almost breaking the door. Then came running towards me.
"Jack are you okay my dear?" Mom asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine mom, I really am." I said trying to comfort her,while the girl was standing in the door way with dad. She kinda looks worried, how can she be worried about me, when she doesn't even know me that well?

"Elsa, I got the things you ask." Said Kristoff out of breath, and gave her the wet blanket and glass of water. Then he was now catching his breath holding his knees for support.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for the trouble. um?" She said searching for a name.

"Kristoff. It's Kristoff." Kristoff said introducing himself putting a hand infront of her.

"Well, Kristoff it's nice to meet you. Thanks again." She said taking his hand, and shaking it.

"Don't mention it. It was nothing." Kristoff said.

It kinda made me jealous. But who am I to her to be jealous. I mean, I hardly know her at all.

Then she started walking up to me giving me the glass of water she asked Kristoff.

"Here drink it." She said with a smile in her face. She's really a happy girl. I took, and mumbled a thank you, and drank the water.

Then she folded the wet blanket, and put it on my fore head. Then i look at her with a confused look. Then, she said making my heart flutter.

"Get well soon, Sir."

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