(Chapter 20) She's cute...

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Jack's pov

I woke feeling something soft my eyes weren't open, yet. I opened one of my eyes, I saw a cute little boy sleeping with a small smile on his face, he looks like a doll, everything about this boy seems like plastic, but it seems so real, I sat up and stretch my arms, and legs i yawned.

I look at the window It was night time, I look back at the little boy it was that boy from before, he look so peaceful, but even though I had a bit envy on him, } have to admit he's really cute for his own good, but Elsa is much cuter.

I look at the arm chair next to my bed, I saw Elsa sleeping, like an angel. She's so cuter, when she sleeps, I din't realized, how long I was staring at her.

I then heared the door opening i pretended to go back to sleep.

Their asleep." I heared Kristoff's voice.

"Aww there cute when they sleep together, and Olaf is like their son." I heared Anna's voice she sounds like she's fangirling.

"Quit it,woman." Kristoff said.
"You're gonna wake them up." He continued.

"We're not here to fool around." I heared Hiccup's voice.

"Come on someone wake up Elsa their coming sooner or later." Flynn said, I was confused whos coming?

Fine, I'll wake her up." Anna said i heared footsteps. "Come on, Els wake up their gonna come here anytime now." She said.

"Just give me a few minutes." I heared a tired voice said I'm guessing that's Elsa. "Or maybe an hour." She said, then I heared a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, you leave me with no choice." I heared Anna said. "Hello?" Is she talking to her phone? "Yes, can you guys please pick us up early, thank you."

"You know, we could just carry her." Kristoff said.

"Fine,someone please carry her." Anna said.

"Okay." They said in unison, then they started shaking me. "Wake up!" They shouted at me, I pretended to be asleep, the whole time.

"What do you want?" I asked pretending, like I'm tired.

"Come on Jack,you have to carry, Elsa." They said, I sat up as I looked at them for a few seconds.

"No way." I said, crossing my arms and looking away.

"Come on Jack, please." They pleaded.

"No way, I have a fever remember?" I asked annoyed, knowing they're gonna tease me more later if I do.

"Please." They pleaded.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I asked, looking at them for a moment with a stern.

"Yep." Kristoff said, I sigh in frustration.

Fine." I said. "But I'm gonna like it." I stood up from my bed, and walk over the other side of the room, I carried her bridal style we now in the first floor she sleeps like a baby, I then heared a groan, I look at he, and Kristoff carried the child.

She opened her eyes and look around.

"Where am I?" She ask she realized we were in this position. "Can you please put me down." She said, casually she din't even blush she said it like, it had happen before and it's just normal for her.

I put her down, I heared loud foot steps, and they got louder, which means here getting closer the door burst open, like a tornado just past by.

"Elsa!" Unfamiliar voices shouted her name then the person pounce on Elsa.

I look to see two girls were hugging, Elsa, really tightly one has long blonde hair, while the other has crazy curly red hair. It's like, they din't see her in a long time, i then heared three foot steps coming this way three guys ran in they have blonde, brown and black hair and their bangs were hiding their eyes.

They stopped infront of Elsa

"Sorry they woulden't stop." The guy with blonde hair apologized.

"It's okay, guys." Elsa said still being hug by those two girls.

"You guys forgot about me, din't you?" Anna ask with an annoyed look on her face crossing her arms.

"Um, Marshall why is Anna here? I thought she was on her date." The guy ask to the guy named Marshall.

"Snow, I thought you knew that Elsa was bringing her?" Marshall said with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I thought you told him Marshall." The other guy said.

"I know, Oliver." Marshall said to this Oliver.

"Can we just go home now?" Snow said frustrated. "I have things to do since I'm the first born." What does he mean by many things to do? What does he have to do in the night, that was so important?

"Because, Marshall the second born won't help me with it." Snow said looking at Marshall (more like glared).

"Um, lets just go home." Oliver said, trying to make these two calm down, and pry them away from eachother. "Come on Elsa, Anna say goodbye to your friends." Oliver said, pulling them out of the mansion, and taking the sleeping boy from Kristoff grasped.

"What just happened?" Flynn said, breaking the akward silents.

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