(Chapter 7) To tell the truth or not.

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Elsa's pov

I was cleaning the long table they already eaten dinner. The children were just watching tv. I was almost finish cleaning the table. In a few minutes one of my brothers is gonna be here and pick me up.

Tommorow I have to take care of Jack, I know he's not a kid, and all. But I'm working in this family, and he is a child of Mr. Frost, and he's still living with his family.

Yep, I see me, and my siblings like children. Well, Anna still a child, through she's just 18. I wonder, what's that surprize going to be knowing them, It's probably something sweet or just a prank.

Well, I guess I got to wait, then I look at the grandfather clock. It was just 6:40 just 20 minutes, don't get me wrong. I love the children it's just I'm wondering what kind of surprize it is.

Well, I'm finish anyway. Better check on the children on what they're watching.

I was walking to the living room. I stopped walking as I notice, I was infront of Jack's room door. He is sick, I'll see how he's doing now, I knocked at the the door then i heard a mumble. He probably said yes. I smiled.

I opened it. "I said leave me alone." He said with no emotion. That made me frown, well, If he wants to be alone, I'll just leave him alone.

"I'm sorry, I was just cheking if you're alright. I'll just go see the children." I said, and was about to exit, but his voice stopped me.

"Wait, 'm sorry. I din't mean It that way, I thought you were one of my friends." He said that made scoffed.

"So, aren't I you're friend." I said, crossing my arms infront of him

Hey, I know we just met, and I don't know much about him. But still i carried him to his room, and no thank you. But really, I'm just over-reacting, I got to calm down. I took a deep breath, and let it all out, silently.

"It's not like that it's just I-" I cut him off.

"I was just kidding can't you take a joke." I lied, cause he was panicking, It was weird to see him like this. Well, he has done some weird things today, like faint infront of me,and blush madly. It was so weird to see him confused on what to say, it reminded me of Anna.

Then, It fell into silent. He was looking at me, like a child curious. It was so akward, I wanna see what the children are watching, before my shift is over.

"Um, okay I'm just gonna go now. Bye." I said, turning around reaching the door nob.

"Okay, bye. Good night." He said, I looked behind me, and saw him staring at me with a smile.

Good night, Sir." I replied,  opening the door, and leaving and going to the living room.

"Hi, what are you guys watching?" I asked them.

"Spongebob squarepants." I heard Hiccup answered, I was surprized, I din't notice that they were here, too.

"Hiccup, I din't notice you were with your friends." I said they chuckle.

"Shocked to see us watching cartoons,huh?" Kristoff asked me while chuckling.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting you guys to like these kinds of things. Oh and umm who's your friend?" I asked, he was about to answer but Kristoff finish him to it.

"We aren't into these stuff, It's just we coudn't really change the channel, and Jack just wants to be alone." Kristoff said.
"And this guy, he's Eugene Fitzherbert." He said, while smiling, and then laughing.

"Why did you tell her that?!" Eugene shouted at Kristoff while shaking him by his colar.

"I'm sorry, not sorry, I coudn't help it!" Kristoff apologizing while laughing, I heard Hiccup sigh i look at him

"I sometimes, don't know, why I even hang out with these people anymore." He said to himself.

"Probably, because you've growen used to it." I told him.

"Yeah, you're right. They're maybe idiots, but they're fun to hang out with." He said, that made me smile a little that was so sweet. "Hey,Elsa can i ask you something?" He asked, turning back to me.

"Sure ask a way." I said.

"Privately." He said seriously.

"Okay." I said, silently going out the door.

He followed then closing the door.

"What do you want ask?" A asked him.

"You seem to keep a secret, that you're trying to hide, what is it?" He asked, that made my heart beat faster, and I started sweat a bit.

"What are you talking about. I'm not keeping a secret!" I said while laughing nevously, he look at me like he knows that i was lying.

"Fine, I give, but please don't tell anyone." I said he nodded, I look around to see If the coast is clear.

I took a deep breath.

"It's unbelievable, but I'm a daughter of a wealty family, and I always want to be a babysitter or kindergarden teacher. Please, don't tell anyone, I'm begging you!" I said, I think I want to cry.

I can't believe that, I let out the secret on the first day!

Hiccup's pov

I was wrong she isn't gonna steal anything, but how do I know, she's telling the truth?

"Prove it. Then I won't tell a single soul" I said not convines.

"Thank you. Thank you. So, my brother owns quite an expensive car, don't remember, what It's called though." She said, I raise my brow.

"Yeah, why?" I said, what does that connect to what we're talking about?

"Follow my brother's car,okay?" She asked, and I nod my head.

Then, I saw Jack's father running to us.

"Elsa, your brother is here. He's waiting for you." He said, and then walking to the other way, she nodded her head, but before she left she gave me a thumbs up.

Then, she was out of sight. I got back to the room to get my bag, and say to the guys, I was going to get some chips. Then, I ran after her. She was with a boy with blonde hair with black highlights, they were going out.

I followed them outside, silently they went to an unsuspecting car. Elsa look at me with a smile. I gone to my car, and followed them.

We stopped in a big mansion with a giant gate then the gate openned and the car went in. So, she wasn't lying, well, a promise is a promise.

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