Chapter 22 - The End

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Third Person POV

"How are we going to heal him?"

Everyone was crowding Hiccup's body as Toothless and Mr. Stoick is on Haly's side. Haly had a grim face on.

"I'm afraid that you won't like it but.....", she trailed off. " In order to heal him, you have to put the same soul that killed him in his body".

Everyone agreed.
Except one.

Pitch slammed his fists in the ground. "Are you INSANE?! She controlled ME!". At that moment everyone hesitated.

Haly did the jazz hands. " Hiccup prevented her attack. So he'll be capabl-",she was cut off short by the three teens. "You saw the whole thing?!"

Haly awkwardly laughed. "We're twins! The other twin always knows what happened to his or her twin bro or sis!". Satisfied,the three quiet down (though merida is still crying).

" As I was saying, he will be capable to wield her spirit so it will be fine!",Haly said but she muttered under her breath,"For a good deal of time".

Everyone thought about it.
They agreed.

So, Haly put Nathalia's soul beside Hiccup's heart and he glowed. All of the people there closed their eyes.
The three teens slowly opened their eyes.

A pair of sweet emerald green eyes met them.

"HICCUP!!!", all of them yelled. The said viking laughed so sweet. They tackled him in a hug. One girl was crying though.

Merida was crying tears of joy. Then she felt someone hug her. She faced the person. Hiccup smiled at her, also comforting her. She hugged back and didn't let go.



Rapunzel screamed from the other room, wearing Jack's gift. Apparently, they are tights. She was also wearing it as a skirt.

Merida and Jack is laughing their butt of and Hiccup is reading a novel about dragons, barely holding his laughter. He looked to Rapunzel. "You're wearing them wrong,dearie", he admitted.

" You ruined it, Dragon boy!!", Jack pouted. Hiccup rolled his eyes and both girls giggled. "Hey, what happened then after I passed out?", Hiccup randomly asked.

The three teens exchanged looks. So they told him everything. Then hiccup held his hands against his heart. The three smiled.

" Thud, thud, thu-"Hiccup said as he listened to his heartbeat he cut off short. He went silent, staring at the three in a horrified expression. The three already know there was something wrong.

For there was a second heartbeat that suddenly appeared in that exact second.


Hahaha!!! Cliffhanger!!!

So, I am planning on a sequel to this thing. And I am also planning to make a book on deleted scenes and songs, since I forgot a Jackunzel and Autodoubt chapter so.....yeah.

Stay tuned and thank you for reading!!!

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