Chapter 4 - North Pole

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Hiccup POV

                When I landed on the ground, me and the girls got
face - to - face with a guy with a long beard and tattoos in his arm.

                "HEY! WHY DID YOU PUT THE THREE OF US IN A SACK!", Merida snapped.

                 "Oh, sorry. I thought you'd probably freak out that a yeti is there. Plus, you won't understand a THING that it says. ", The guy explained. " Y'know mer, he's got a point.", punzie said. I nodded.

                  Merida groaned.

                  "But, uh......what's your name and why are we here?", I asked. The guy then, spoke. " I am North or Santa Claus," at this rapunzel squealed, " and you are chosen to be guardians!"

                   Okay.......we're confused. "Okay, manny has told me that you are the new guardians ......... Aaaand Jack failed to find you guys. But I found you now and you're here.", the guy named north said.

                 " HEY! KANGAROO MADE ME DO IT!", yelled a snow white boy with white hair and has a shepherd staff. Rapunzel squealed while merida rolls her eyes.

                  "Name's Jack frost. What's yours?", the snow white boy said. Then, a kangaroo showed up. " I'm not a kangaroo mate. I'm a bunny, THE EASTER BUNNY", he declared angrily then jumped through a bunnyhole.

                   Merida glared at him. "Grandpa, this is hiccup and rapunzel and i'm merida" Jack looked at her, "What did you call me?" Merida snickered.

                    Then they had a mini yelling war that made us cover our ears. They are so loud. Then the war stopped when toothless and dad jumped to North.

                    " THAT'S FOR KIDNAPPING MY SON!!!!!", my dad yelled, which is much louder than jack and merida's mini yelling war.

                      Then, after explaining and calming down, we convinced them. Well, tooth and sandy did. But sandy can't talk so he used symbols. They appeared when dad was pinning down North. "Okay, now that's settled, please don't move, even you jack."

                     We were confused. Dad stared at north suspiciously. Toothless too. Then, north appeared with some jewels. One pink and green, one orange and yellow, one blue and white and one red and orange.

Hey guys,
              If it's ok with you,Please send me your suggestions on some plots on what hiccup's curse is. I really appreaciate it.
Thank you.
                                 -The Author

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