Chapter 2 - The Black Rose

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Jack POV
I flew furiously.

Although despite what I screamed, he only brought up a rose.

The guardians suddenly became defensive. Pitch chuckled.

" Ah.....the guardians did recognise this. The infamous Black rose". He chuckled again.

"Um, I'm sorry but I don't know what that is so I wouldn't call that infamous, Pitch.", I snapped.

" Oh, the little guardian doesn't know? Well, I'll explain it to you then.", he retorted with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I glared at him while he explained. "The black rose is an instrument to curse someone. I could turn it as a drink or a weapon."
He sneered. " I cursed one of the 'Big Four'. And it seems........",he trailed off. "Who Did You Cursed Pitch.", I snarled.

"Oh, only the boy over there", he pointed to the boy next to me in the crystal.

"I discovered that they have abilities greater than measure and they even know it not. Especially the boy. So I cursed the boy.", he chuckled.

"Actually, I cursed him right before he was born. So that makes me a dad,right? You can have the rose.", he smiled creepily. Then, he threw the rose at Tooth. Tooth glared at him.

" Even if he is on your side. He will be uncontrollably strong by the time the last petal falls. So,think guardians",pitch smirked and disappeared.

"What was that all about?", bunny asks.

" Oh boy oh boy!!!!",North mumbled as he walked in circles.

Tooth,meanwhile, is panicking and flying in circles. Baby tooth barely calming her.

I smirked. "I don't see something wrong in that rose."

Tooth turned to me in disbelief. But the other guardians are still panicking. Except kangaroo, of course. So I started to get annoyed.

"GUYS!!!CALM DOWN!!!! IT'S JUST A ROSE!!!!", I snapped.

Everyone stopped. North glared at me. Oops. I'm dead.

" That rose is a forbidden instrument Jack.",he turned away. "And maybe that's why you don't know about it."


He turned to me again. "So,your top priority is the boy. And don't tell ANYONE about the rose. Maybe it will unleash the thing pitch talked about early."

I nodded. North then asked. "Will you take the quest?"

I simply nodded. A grin plastered on my face.

Hey guys,
So I just got this idea from beauty and the beast. Y'know, the whole cursed stuff. Yeah..... And my favorite character is hiccup between the four so I thought, why not? And I hope you like this.

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