Chapter 21 - Good Always Wins

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Third Person POV

All of them got furious. Especially North. Then all of them faced Nathalie. "Aww,such a shame.",she awwed'. Then she turned to the rest of them. "Now, no one will prevent me to kill you all. HAHAHA!!!!",She laughed. She was about to attack-

Jack caught her hand before she even got the chance to do so. "You're gonna PAY for what you did, Queen Nacho!!!",and with that,he made Nathalie to bellyflop on the cold, hard floor. Then the rest of the people bound her. "Queen Nacho,hehe.....good one.",Winter snickered.

Rapunzel ran to Jack. "I CAN'T HEAL HIM!!!! SOME MAGIC IS HOLDING ME BACK!!!!" Jack looked behind Rapunzel. Merida still held on to Hiccup. Toothless is uselessly trying to wake him.

"HAHA!!!EVEN IF YOU KILL ME, YOU STILL WON'T BRING HIM BACK!",Nathalie spat. "Maybe, but I can",A voice from behind spoke.

Nathalie had a horrified face when someone took a figure. Same face,warm eyes and smile, pink and black hair and wears a cute sky blue dress. A twin?! Jack thought. "Yep",the seasons all spoke at once like reading Jack's thoughts.

"Hello sister",the woman cheerfully greeted. Then her stare grew ice cold." You don't have any right to interfere, sister Haly", Nathalia snapped.

The woman, now named Haly just laughed. "I'm just fixing your mess, dear. Good always wins, remember?" She nodded at the three teens. As if to attack.

Well, they savagedly attacked her. The author just won't put the details because she is too lazy ;). Then, when Nathalie is defeated, Haly grabbed her soul. "Good wins indeed.", she cofirmed.

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