Chapter 11 - Mericcup! Whoop! Whoop!

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Merida's POV
When we stepped out of the portal, we found ourselves in the middle of the woods. I knew this place since I was a kid. The others? Let's just say that they are panicking and they look like idiots. Especially Jack.

Apparently, the only one who isn't panicking is Hiccup. He just studied the grounds while cuddling sleeping toothless. Wow, that lizard were so silent that I didn't notice it coming. He's the only one who isn't panicking, so......

"Hey!", I whisper\screamed. He noticed me. " Follow me",I continued. I went deeper to the forest. Hic following behind.


Jack POV
What kind of leader panics? Oh yeah. Me. Well,not exactly. I'm in rage at north.

"I AM SO GONNA FREEZE YOU NORTH!!!AND THROW YOU AWAY FROM THE FACE OF THE EA-" I cursed then Summer covered my mouth suddenly.

"Shh........look.", I realised everyone calmed down and I looked at where she was pointing. I smirked.

Useless lizard (Toothless) is still sleeping. Hiccup and Merida, not too far from me and the rest, are having a conversation and it goes sweetly. I looked at everyone. Everyone had the same smirk I had. Except Rupunzel who wore the beautiful smile-STAHP. She turned to me.

Then she spoke" So, what do you do?" My smirk widen.

"Third wheel, Yo!"


Merida POV

"....and that's how I changed my fate!" I finished my story cheerily while biting an apple.

"That's pretty good, mer!", He said with a smile. " How about yours? Last time I checked Vikings and Dragons are mortal enemies. Are you a favorite or something?" I asked. He frowned a little then turned to me with a sad smile, his emerald eyes twinkling with.......sadness?

"How about we find a place to sit down?"


Summer POV

"What do you think he's gonna tell?", I whisper to Jack while silently following the couple. " I don't know. Something......sad?", he replied.

We came across a clearing. It was so beautiful with flowers and a waterfall. The couple laid down. "Wow", Doubt spoke. " SHH....", I retorted. You COULD say i'm a killjoy kind.


Merida POV

"So.....", I broke the silence. I hate awkward silences. " Okay. I was the screw-up there. Just because i'm skinny. I was bullied and abused everyday. Until I met toothless. Trust me, It took a leg for them to believe that dragons are kind creatures.",He explained while showing his protesthetic leg with a smile then he turned away. I was speechless. What kind of person smiles so sweetly and their life is like.......bad!

I made him face me. "You know, you changed everyone. You're brave enough no do that. I like it", that made him smile. I leaned closer. He too. Are we gonna kiss? Omigod! 3 inches, 2 inches, 1.....

Someone had to ruin it. By someone, I mean everyone!
"Whoop! Whoop! MERICCUP!!" What did I do? I zoomed to them using fires and slapped them one by one. Hiccup laughed. I think Jack's crying using an innocent face. Oh well, moment's gone.

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