Chapter 9 - Gothel and Doubt

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Jack POV

When we 8 went inside Punzie's tower, we were greeted by a voice." Rapunzel, why did you leave the tower dear?". It sounds.......angry.

I could tell that Punzie's panicking because of her reply. "Mother.....I....uh......". "Just tell me next time okay darling?", It replies.

Punzie sighed in relief. "Thanks mother". Hiccup shifted uncomfortably. Then, out came a woman with black long curls. She's holding soup. I back away. "C'mon, you guys must be hungry"


Spring POV

I gotta admit. She can cook. He too. I mean he,I mean Hiccup. He helped Mrs. Gothel cook. Merida gave a thumbs up. Hiccup blushed a bright pink.

Then suddenly black sand covered the room and I saw spiked black hair and dark jeans. Unfortunately I knew who he is.
"Doubt......",Summer trailed off.

"Hello,everyone!" He said. Punzie got an idea ,I could tell. "Please join us!", At this Doubt laughed. "What have you got to offer?".

Punzie grabbed Hiccup's baked cookies and showed it to him. "I got cookies!"
He looked at it in delight. "I'm in!". Subtle, punzie. Very subtle.
Then, she started to glow.

Autumn says, "Her center's creativity!" Jack snickered "That's a creative way to boost powers" Merida snickered, "That's a creative way to gain allies too"

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