Painful Rejection: Chapter 22

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Hey guy! Sorry for the wait but heres chapter 22! And you should know i'm sick. . .AGAIN!!! I swear i ahve the worset immune system ever!

By the way i love the hateful comments towards Marissa and Archer. It means i'm actually doing a decent job of writting this if i've made you all hate them :P

i'd like 80 votes for the next chapter just because i'm evil.

Well i need to go see what my little sister broke while playing Wii Party. Oy!

(Obnoxiously triple spaced again. Sorry!)


"Ok so I say we stop at Victoria Secret next." Marissa said cheerfully tugging Archer along.

I groaned. "Oh gag me."

"Tell me about it." Kenzie muttered.

She turned and glared at me even though it had been both Kenzie and I speaking. "Ok well where do you want to go?"

"Well there’s Hottopic, Journey, FYE, hell ill even go to Spencer’s." I listed.

She made a face. "Ew, who shops there?!"

Kenzie and I exchanged a look.

Marissa had been in the room when Kenzie and I told Mich we were going to the mall and she suddenly realized she was dying to get some new clothes but not with her own money. No her fiancé would be doing that. Which meant Archer came along, accompanied by Brendon and Darren since their Alpha and friend said he didn’t want to be stuck with a bunch of girls. I don’t think he realized Kenzie and I aren’t much of girls when it comes to our clothing style.

Although our standard outfit for missions are simple jeans, a plain shirt and a leather jacket. The leather jacket is kind of for protection since it’s difficult to cut through leather and it practically repeals bullets. The plain jeans and shirt are because you definitely shouldn’t wear a shirt you actually like.

"Since when do you shop in places like that? I remember you always use to shop at JCPennys or places like that and get sweaters" Brendon said.

"Stopped shopping there since little girly sweaters were too easy to cut through and I just didn’t want to wear them anymore." I turned to Kenzie. "You wanna head to Hottopic? I could use some more shirts."

Painful Rejection  - Fate in Blood Trilogy: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now