Chapter 1: The Weird Dream

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       ---------------------->  The song in the bottom relates to Fiona and Marshall's love relationship. Its in this chapter in the bottom. Warning! You may cry hearing it! Hear it will you read my book! Its the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. <3



                                             © Copyright 2013 LittleCuteNerd

                      All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission.


                                           The Jerk and the Heroine


                                                   “Good morning baby” Cake said as I was just waking up from a weird dream that I just had last night. I looked at my clock it was 10:00 a.m.  The sun was shining brightly through the window. I rapidly got out of my bed and started fixing myself up. It was already late for me because I usually wake up at 7:30.

                                                      Last night we went to Lumpy Space princes’s birthday party. It was a huge party and all of us had a blast we came back to our house at 3:00 a.m.  I went to the bathroom and washed my face, combed my long straight blond hair, changed into clean blue clothes, and brushed my teeth. I climbed down my bedroom ladder and went off to the kitchen. Once I pass by, I am totally hypnotized with the scrumptious smell of pancakes and bacon.


                                                 I sat down by the middle of the dining table waiting for my food to be served on my big plate. Cake served me two pancakes with some bacon on the side and some orange juice in a cup. After she finished cooking, she served herself and sat across the dining table. Before I eat my food I think about last night’s dream.

                                                       Last night I dreamed of a vampire kissing me passionately while our lips moved in sync. He held me tight and told me I love you. It was such a weird dream I thought to myself. Who was that vampire and why was he kissing me? Why did he say he love me? I thought deeply.  I started wondering about more when Cake snapped me out of trance. “Hey baby girl whatcha thinking?” she asked curiously.


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