The studio.

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I was out of breathe. We had just finished recording Marvin Gaye, I was tired, it was hot and I had maybe drunk a few to many glasses of wine! Charlie's face was burning up. He looked at me with the exact same look, as if my face was brighter then a beet root! I turned to my glass of water and in the corner of my eye I saw Charlie taking off his shirt.

"What are you doing" I said all shocked and flushed, "it is freakin hot in here I need to breathe". His face was so cute when he said this that I just giggled. We started to joke about the song as how sexy it was. I started to feel the wine kick in and I grabbed him around the neck, pulled him close, I  let our lips touch and felt my heart race as I kissed him.

All I could here in my head was "Meghan stop, what are you doing he is just a friend, why did you drink so much? " I pulled back and we laughed at how stupid we acted when we were drunk. Yet I was putting on an act as when my lips touched his I felt something, something that was really special and can't be replaced.

I left the studio that night and all I could think about was the kiss! I could hear JoJo talking to me as she drove me home yet my mind was set on Charlie!

I was confused, kinda scared and maybe even....... I hesitated as I thought for a second. It couldn't be, could it?

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