Author's Testimony

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Hi :) Here's a short testimony on how God changed me and gave me another chance to be able to live a righteous and happy life.

If you have known my life before, I'm sure you wouldn't want me as your friend or even just at least an acquaintance. Because before, lying for me is a daily routine. Robbery is a habit and reading pornographic material is what can give me 'fulfillment.' Until one day, I fell into the pit of desperation. I became desperate for change and for someone to light and guide my steps.

Growing up, I just cared about my achievements and about how people would see me. But at that time, I wanted to change. That time, I already know something's missing. And that's where God used someone to grab me out of the dark.

My aunt was able to know everything I've been up to. And surprisingly, she didn't judge me. Instead, she invited me to church. The moment I came in, everyone inside that church started to welcome me. It was awkward at first but I have to say it also felt good. And through God's grace, I was able to return to church every Sunday.

Then after some time, I was invited to attend an Encounter program. With those three days of having no phones and no going out, with focusing only on knowing Christ, everything in my life started to change.

I believe that on those days, God is personally talking to me in my heart. He made me let go of all my grudge towards my parents. He made me break all the chains that were binding me with the world. And He made me leave my dark past behind.

He opened for me a door for change. He gave me hope. He gave me strength.

I did let go of everything. I offered my life to Him. I already submitted everything towards Him. He is now the only God that I serve.

I am not perfect. But I have a great and merciful God to guide me. I'm already healed from all the wounds my past gave me. Maybe I still bear some of the scars, but it doesn't matter. Because I have a God who will lift me up whenever I stumble and fall.

Being a Christian, I also already know the mission I needed to do. It is to proclaim the greatness of God in the world. I will share the gospel to everyone and will not be afraid to say that Jesus is my Lord. I believe that God called me and will use me to glorify His name.

I may not be perfect, but He is. He will be the one who will change other people's lives. I will be just an instrument in Jesus' name.

Brothers and sisters, I am Hazel Ann Dorothy Diao Migrino, was once a sinner but now saved. :)

To God be all the glory!

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