Day Thirteen

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1 Peter 2:12
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us.

We aren't unconscious to the fact that this world is greatly influenced by the enemy. Sin is now a normal thing and being a Christian becomes a hateful one.

If you start telling someone about who Jesus is and how He can be of great help in that someone's life, he/she would almost immediately look at you as if you grew two heads more.

If you cover your paper and start answering on your own while others are busy 'sharing' their answers during an exam, you suddenly become the bad guy and got excluded from the group.

If you played a Christian song while you're with your friends that aren't yet believers, you should always prepare for a strong complaint from them about you being so weird and about getting them burned by holiness.

If you're out on a group date and you won't join in drinking alcohols, you're immediately a wet blanket and a party pooper.

In this present world, doing good is somehow a bad thing. It makes you different. You'll be receiving a lot of insults and back stabs. But remember this, do not grow weary.

Continue to do good even if the whole world seems to be already against you. Even if you'll suffer by doing good, still, be grateful. Because through your good deeds despite all the bad things you've encountered - and still encountering - they will see that what, or in your case who, makes you strong is great.

When they'll see that you did not cease in doing good, they will be interested in who your God really is. They will realize how great His power is and soon, on the last day, in His power, they will be able to glorify Him.

Brothers and sisters, do good even if no one else does and do not attempt to do evil even if everyone starts to.

To God be all the glory.

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