Day Fifteen

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James 3:10

Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.

They say 'action speaks louder than words but still words hurt more than actions.'  And that sounds quite right.

Isn't it too ironic to see a person so vocal about his/her so called faith but can't also stop his/her mouth from speaking foul words?

As a Christian, the simplest thing we could do is to proclaim God's greatness in our lives through our words. By simply uttering good things and praises, who knows what happiness and blessing we can give to the one who hears.

We will know a real Christian from his/her fruits. And the words that come out of our mouths are considered our fruits. If you continue on cursing and swearing even after saying you're now a Christian, what difference do you have from the unbelievers?

What do you think God will feel whenever He sees one of His children saying bad things about his/her fellow? Do you think that will glorify Him?

Brothers and sisters, if you are one of those people who got accustomed to saying taboo words and somehow made them as usual expressions, maybe it's quite hard to let go of that habit. But there's no hard thing for our God to do.

He desires you to come and ask for forgiveness. He just wants you to ask for the renewal of spirit that you need, and He will give it to you.

By simply changing the way we speak, by simply excluding foul words that seem to stick to our daily speech, we can already glorify God. When people see that you've changed, that's when they will get the point that our God is big and real. Remember, you cannot serve two masters at the same time. It's either you'll speak of good things or the other way around.

Be  a blessing!

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