Day Three

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Luke 11:9
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

I used to complain about life. I used to complain about the things I don't have and the things I don't wanna have.

I used to complain about the kind of parents I have. I used to complain about the curse that runs down in my family. I complained about everything.

But then I realized, I only complained.

I know what's wrong, I know what I want. But I didn't do anything about it.

We need to realize that in everything, persistence is important. If you want something, ask for it. Desperately.

If you learn how to earnestly pray for what you want, believing that a powerful God is listening and looking at your heart, everything that you truly deserve and need will be yours.

Jesus Himself, Son of the almighty Father, prays every single day and every opportunity He gets to pray.

He prays before He ministers.

He prays before the dawn of day.

He prays whenever He healed somebody.

He prayed when He was tempted by Satan.

If He, that is a God, desperately prays for His Father's presence in His life, how much more we humans need to pray?

Realize that in everything, we should be dependent on the Father. From the rising to the setting of the sun, we need to talk to Him.

In Him, you will be satisfied. In Him, you will be more than fulfilled. He can give you happiness more than you ever imagined. You just need to persistently ask for it.

Do not cease. Do not get tired. There's no limit in praying.

Talk to Him. Establish a personal relationship with Him. PRAY.

I assure you, He always listens and answers the prayer of a truthful heart.

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