Day Twenty

586 33 4

James 5:13
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.

Reading this verse, this would serve as a reminder that God is not just a God when we're down but most specially when we're in our success and happiness.

Oftentimes, people will just remember God when they're in need of something. In times of desperation, it is really easy to pray. But when we're already comforted, we then often forgot to talk to God. And it shouldn't be that way.

As Christians, as people granted with mercy and salvation, it is just right to talk to our God in every phase of our lives.

When we're out there facing great waves of problems, pray. Learn to ask for help from the God who's the only source of our strength and understanding. He never fails in hearing the prayer of a contrite heart.

When we're happy, pray. Thank God for the happiness He granted and for all the blessing He showered upon you. That's the nicest time for you to offer songs of praises and thanksgiving. He deserves to be worshipped.

Fellow Christians, do not forget our God as much as He doesn't forget you. In everything, talk to Him. He is concerned with every little thing connected to the life of His child.

In troubles, He's there to carry you.

In happiness, He's there to rejoice with you.

Make Him the central part of your life. :)

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