Day Nine

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Jeremiah 7:23
But I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.

This verse is a commandment from God, a command that tells us to follow not just one but ALL of His rules.

This is a reminder for us that being His children, being His follower, we can't just stay half-committed. If we chose to follow Him, we gotta go all in.

Yes, there will be mistakes. We're still humans after all. But as long as you can, run away from temptations. Because one thing's for sure, they would never run away from you. In fact, they would gather even closer to you once you decided to be a Christian. BUT. God is more powerful than this world's tempter. He is powerful more than anything.

But, this commandment also comes with a promise. If we obey Him, ALL will go well with us. It may not literally mean that nothing's gonna go wrong. But it's an assurance that whenever there's a problem, you will not have to face it alone. God will be with you.

And if you'll just trust Him, no problem will ever make you stumble and fall.

He is a great God. And in Him, promises will not be broken.

Trust Him. Follow Him. And do all that with all your heart.

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