Day Five

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John 10:10
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

This verse tells us two personalities that we need to choose and serve:

The Thief who is Satan.
What can Satan do to our lives?

He comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.

He can steal our joy. He can kill our relationship with God and our relationship with other people. He can destroy our future and potentiality.

How can he do that?

By tempting us to commit sin and to do all forms of wickedness.

When we sin, we lose our joy, we cut off our relationship with God and with others, and destroy our lives.

Jesus Christ.
What can Jesus do for our lives?

He promised to give us abundant life.

What do you mean by abundant life?

It means a life that is full of joy, full of peace, and full of love. Life with a purpose to love God and love people. Life that is lasting and with assurance.

Life with meaning and direction.

I know we all don't want Satan to rule over our lives. But with the current trends this world offers, we unconsciously let him.

I did that before. I constantly convinced myself that I am just trying to fit in and enjoy. But I'm fooling my own self.

Through the things that you do, you often end up committing sins - big or small. You cuss, you fight, you gamble, you boast, you ridicule and judge others.

Whatever it is, the lifestyle this world endorses is blinding you to let Satan in your life without your knowledge. But it is not too late!

Just accept Jesus Christ in your life and offer your life to God. Let Him control you.

Not yours but His will be done.


This and the previous update contains lessons (word by word explanations) that I don't personally own.

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