Day Seventeen

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James 3:13
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.

In earthly standards, we label people as 'wise' when they graduate with flying colors or if they have professional titles preceding their names. Engineer, attorney, doctor; those are just some titles that would immediately put the thought in our minds that they're wise and worthy of respect. But the Lord has different standards.

Wisdom comes from God. And through it comes the realization that God hates the selfish and the proud. As Christians, we must live in the Christ-like way.

In everything we do, we must not only think of ourselves but as well as of others. We must put their sake above ours. Let us live humbly, not working for our own gain and thirsty of power but to glorify God and love His people.

Wise men are not those who have the highest IQ and the capability to be rich, but they are the ones who know that wealth and power are all fleeting and what's important is the life that they'll live with their Maker after everything in the world comes to an end.

Be wise. God bless :)

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