Day Twelve

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Job 15:3
Would they argue with useless words, with speeches that have no value?

Now I'm asking you, would you?

There's only one thing I want to share about this verse. AVOID ARGUMENTS.

Looking around, people are just publicly stating their arguments over petty issues on social networking sites. Friendships were also put into tests just because of the people's varying opinions over elections and candidates' credibility. Fans of different celebrities were creating commotions just to fight their love for people who doesn't even recognize them at all. Or maybe they did, but most likely than not, they won't even take a sec each day to think how their fans are doing. These fights would often turn into 'trash talking,' bullying and bashing. Unnecessary taboo words start to dominate when in fact they were of no use and are just provoking sins for the most unimportant reasons.

I'll ask you again, how long did you spare to fight or just even declare the glory and mercy of God in your life?

Why is it so easy for us to start a debate over something so temporary and yet we can't even defend and share the story of the One who never forgets to bless us every single day?

Why is it that we can put up a good fight with some random topics this world compelled you to defend so easily and when we're ask about our God we go all awkward and reluctant?

Some who openly answered they're Christians immediately recoiled once asked what's their religion or what's their faith is all about. Brothers and sisters, if you can consider fighting over some worldly issues, then be ready to fight for your God too. And if you know that that fight won't do you any good, don't go any further. If you believe you're right, God will make a way for that. He will tell you when's the right time to fight and when it's not. Because at the end of the day, all the things that you fought for wouldn't matter, only His words will.

To God be all the glory!

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