Day Six

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Matthew 6:33
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

How many of us are checking our phones first when we wake up?

Or how many of us are thinking of the chores and activities that await us first thing in the morning?

Tell me, did you ever take even just a second to thank God for another day? If you did, or if you do, how often are you doing it?

In the verse above, the things it's talking about are the stuffs humans are after. Wealth, profession, good name, love. Those are some of those stuff.

It is not bad to desire for good things for our selves and for our family. But the thing is, we must keep in mind that whatever happens, God must still be our first priority.

It's no use running after things in this world that would temporarily make us great if you don't have God in your life. Because after some time, those things vanish into thin air when we finally gave our last breath.

When we finally turn to dust, can these things save you?


Can these things justify the sins that you did and let you pass through the gates of heaven?


Can these things save you from the heat of the hell's fire?


The only One who can save you is Jesus Christ.

That's why you need to follow Him. You need to put in your heart and mind that it is important to communicate and establish a relationship with God through Him.

Maybe you'll say, I have more important things to do. I have my work. I have my school. I still need to look for my kids' food.

Let me tell you something, God knows all things. He knows what you need and what your family needs. And He will definitely bless you with these things.

BUT. He wants you to seek Him first. He wants you to know that He is your ultimate provider and your Shepherd. He wants you to let your worries go.

All those who praise and worship Him will be blessed. All those who call on His name will be blessed.

Yes, you'll get the things that you need without thinking about Him. But you will be missing greater things and blessings by doing that.

Remember that all the things that you have, it is from Him. Though you're saying it is from your hard work and from nothing else, NO. Everything is from Him and only Him.

Imagine how greater you'll have if you acknowledge Him in everything that you do and let Him take over your life!

If you have God in your life, you need not to worry about the food that you'll eat or the clothes that you'll wear. He will give you all these.

You just need to seek Him, worship Him, glorify Him, and trust Him.

Set Him as your top priority. He will take care of the rest if you'll just do your best.

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