Day Sixteen

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Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

One thing is certain, more than anything, our personal relationship with God is of much importance. As ladies, we must realize that it is not our outside appearance that represents our true value but on who we are in the eyes of God.

This doesn't mean that you won't care for your physical attributes anymore. It's okay to make an effort to be presentable. This is just to remind you that you don't need to alter anything in your physique in order to be appreciated or to be approved by the world. What you have is a God-given gift. Treasure it, make the most out of it.

Francesca Battistelli's He Knows My Name has the lyrics saying 'I'm not living for applause, I'm already so adored'

Ladies, it really is good for someone to compliment your outer beauty. But it is much more fulfilling to be love 'cause of your inner greatness. Because through time, wrinkles would just overshadow beauty. But those who fear the Lord never loses the faith that made them valuable.

What would you do with outer excellence if you're rotten inside?

After all, it is not the world's standards that would prevail. At the end, it is how the Lord sees us that would matter.

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