Day Two

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Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Are you one of those people who, like me, once asked what is really the future that lies ahead of you?

Are you one of those people who walked down the streets with heavy hearts, worrying about what will happen tomorrow?

Or are you one of those people who's now doing everything just to secure yours or your children's future?

Well I also once dwell in the 'worry-zone' where all I think about was what to do to set a good future for me and for my family.

I worked hard. I studied hard. I engaged myself in almost everything I could get into for the credit and experience I could possibly use in the future. I did everything to be at the top.

I did everything that I even practiced things a Christian, the right one, won't ever do. I let myself drowned within my own ideas of 'good future' that I actually ruined my present with the things I do and think.

I became dependent on my own ability. I did everything in my power to achieve 'good' things, even through 'bad' ways. I keep worrying about my future that I forgot who actually holds my life and owned it.

And the ironic thing is I prayed. I prayed for my future, I wished for it to be better than the current state that I'm in. But I never realized how powerful that prayer could have been. I didn't believe.

I prayed but I still did things my way. And it wasn't right at all.

You need to have faith that God loves you, that He already forgave you and that He already set the plan for the best future you could ever have. You just need to trust Him.

Know that you need to do your best in whatever field you're in line with. Cliche as it may sound but it is true that you just need to do your best and God will really do the rest. No matter what or who you are right now, trust Him. Trust His plan. Trust His love.

May you be that small kid robbed of your right to be educated, trust Him.

May you be that girl always beaten by a foster father, trust Him.

May you be that eldest son needed to leave school to earn a living, trust Him.

Do every right thing you need and trust that He will give you the reward that you deserve.

If you rely on your own capacity and understanding, you will never be successful. Or maybe you will, but you will never be satisfied.

God sees you as His child. And no father would ever wish to harm His son or daughter. He never wishes destruction to dawn on you. Rather, He wants you to succeed. He wants what's best for you.

Know that in that unknown future, you are home. Know that in that uncertainty awaits a Father that longs to hold you and be with you. He is already there.

Free yourself from all the worries. Just follow His commands and trust in His love. It may not be now, but you will reap the goodness from the good you sow in the perfect time. His love is so great and powerful.

He is powerful.

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