Day One

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Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Is there anybody who tells you you're a no good employee? A hopeless student? A useless son or daughter? And all because of your wrecked past?

Was there a time in your life that you questioned your self-worth and turned down a once in a lifetime opportunity just because you doubt your capacity?

Was there an instance that you've hurt not just yourself but others close to you for voicing out your irrational insecurities and for bringing back a haunting past?

I tell you now, you aren't alone.

We are all once subject to that dysfunction. We all once stuffed our mind with the desire to be productive and make our life a whole lot better, but we just can't!

We can't move forward because we are continually held back by our memories of ruined childhood and of the guilt that devour us slowly through time.

The memories of our faults lingered. They never left. They never went away from us and from the people around us.

Everyday, we are reminded of them. May it be the things that we see or the things that people say, they all draw us back to our past. They are what sealed the thought in our minds that we are sinners and we won't ever become any better than that.

And the bad news is that's right. We are sinners. You are a sinner.

You are that guy who spent a moment to fantasize about some girl's nudity at night.

You are that kid that often slipped some money off your father's wallet left at the top of his bedside table.

You are that girl that wished ill of somebody you're envied of.

You are that grown adult that never recovered from the injury your conscience gave you.

You knew the truth. You know what's right. But you didn't dare do it, you still don't. And that makes you deserving of death.

Being a sinner, you're not even worthy of the air that you breathe right now. What you're suppose to do is to walk your way up that cross and get someone to hammer the nails into your hands and feet.

You deserve to be beaten. You deserve to be stripped of your clothes. You deserve to shed blood and water because of too much pain and suffering.

But the good news is that somebody did it for you. Somebody that's supposed to be just sitting at the right hand of the King but he didn't, He stepped down and died in your place. He saved you. He gave you life.

Look around you. You are alive now. You are given another day to live, but what are you doing?

You're stalking your crush's status on facebook?

You're checking that special someone's latest post on instagram?

Or you're spending a day reading this or some other story without even taking a second to stop and give thanks for everything you have?

Heed this, no matter what you've done in the past, whether it is a great crime or just a white lie, YOU ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN. Jesus already died to pay for your sins and for the whole world's sins.

What you just need to do now is to confess your sins in a prayer and repent for it. Accept that Jesus is your Lord and personal Savior.

Let go of all your guilt. You just need to ask for forgiveness with all your heart and God will immediately give it to you.

Your sins are paid. If you just believe in it, instead of death, you will have eternal life through believing in and following Jesus Christ.

Because like you, I once was a sinner. But I chose to believe in Him and now I'm saved. I'm changed.

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