Day Eleven

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Luke 16:10
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

I remember what my aunt once told me, 'There's no such thing as white lie. Only a lie.'

I didn't understand that before. I mean, come on, there are things we often hide or cover up because of the smallest, least important reason. Things that, we thought, doesn't really matter at all. But upon reading and continually hearing this verse, it clicked. Whatever your reason is, whether what you did affected the lives of many or not, a lie is still a lie. A sin is still a sin. And it is an abomination in the sight of God, whether it's big or small.

The verse reminds us that before we desire for greater things, we must righteously take care of the small things that we have first. God wouldn't let you handle things He knows you're not yet ready for.

If you can't be honest with just returning the change of your mother's money, how would you be trusted in handling thousands of people's money in a company?

If you can't even stop from peering over your seat mate's paper on an exam day, how would somebody trust that you wouldn't steal their ideas on business presentations?

You see, as a child, we were given small things to handle. Upon growing, we're about to take care of greater responsibilities. And it is a difficult task to change the habits one has as a child.

It is really true that your attitude towards mundane and menial things can determine your attitude towards greater and spiritual blessings.

Brothers and sisters, remember that God can see ever single thing you do. Keep in mind that with everything, even with the smallest money or with just a pen you've found, be honest. Even small things matter to God, 'cause He looks at the heart.

With everything, be righteous. Whether you're now handling a big company or just an ordinary man working so hard for a living, be honest with what you do. Remember that everything you do must glorify God.

Once He sees that you're now capable of looking after greater things, He will surely trust you with riches you never thought you could have.

If you wanna be great, start with small things. Pray for Him to guide you.

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