Day Fourteen

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James 2:17
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

It's easy to say you're a Christian and appear like one. Go to church every Sunday and attend prayer meetings every week. Show others some kindness and call Jesus all the time. But becoming a real Christian? It's a tough journey.

Bearing in mind the words of our pastor that 'being a Christian won't be like just walking in the park,' I realized it is true. Yes, you can say that you're a Christian. But the question is, what proof supports that?

Going to Sunday services isn't enough. You can sit for two or more hours listening to the sermon but that doesn't matter. The real deal comes when you're already on your own. When you're alone, when all human eyes have gone away, have you been living rightfully abiding with God's words though nobody's watching? Are you really doing things that testify that your faith is on the Almighty God?

Picture a very simple scenario: A student claimed she's trusting God to bless her with wisdom and that she's leaving all things unto Him. She studied that night, prayed that everything will go well for tomorrow's exam then went to sleep. After hours, the sun rose. It was the day for their exams.

So she went to school. When the questionnaires were given, she prayed. The first half went well, but upon reaching the middle, questions became difficult and she was sure that the topic wasn't included in her review last night. Then here comes a classmate who handed her a paper with answers on it. And guess what? She used it.

Now, she has the faith. I mean, she believes there is a God and that He can bless her. But when tough times came, her actions said otherwise.

If you really have the faith, your actions alone must say that. Even if you're the only one doing what's right, do it. Doesn't mean that everybody else is doing something, it's immediately right. Do what God wants you to do, not what the world compelled you to.

If you really believe in God, tell it to others. Let everyone know Him. And every single day, ensure that your actions glorify God and magnifies His greatness over our lives.

Just like what they say, action speaks louder than words.

God bless you!

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