Super Quick Interviews!!

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I have been really slack with the interview. SO here is a super quick and easy interview! You have to answer the first 3 questions and then you can pick 22 of the other to come up with a total of 25.

1. Name, please:

2. Approximate Age?:

3. What is your favorite song at the moment?

4. Do you feel like anything is missing?

5. Do you plan on being a musician/artist/writer?

6. Do you think you are artistic?

7. Have you ever tried hard drugs?

8. If so, have they changed your life?

9. What age would you like to die?

10. Would you let your kids smoke weed?

11. Are you an angry person?

12. Do you laugh a lot, but don't really mean it?

13. Do you like to think you are popular?

14. Describe your most terrifying dream?

15. What band would you die to see live?:

16. How would you like to die?

18. Do you believe in capitalism?

19. Communism?

20. Libertarianism?

21. Would you rather be an anarchist or a socialite?

22. Freedom of speech or controlled society?

23. What do you want for Christmas?

24. Would you consider yourself intelligent?

25. When was the last time you cried?

26. When was the last time you laughed?

27. Who is your last text from?

28.  How old is your oldest pair of shoes?

29. What are you looking forward too for next year?

30. What's your middle name?

31. Single or taken?

32. If taken, do you love this person?

33. If single, what are you looking for in someone?

34. Sex or love?

37. Would you rather know exactly when you are going to die OR how you are going to die

38. Are you depressed?

39. What do you think of chesse?

40. Are you in a good mood today?

41. What is your least favorite color?

42. Are you afraid of the swine flu?

43. Are you afraid to be yourself?

44. What would you label yourself?

45. Do you live with your parents?

46. How many siblings do you have?

47. Do you wear skinny jeans?

48. Are you emo?

49. Name a sound.

50. Are you a hater?

51. What’s a movie you want to see?

52. Explain your personality in 3 words

53. What do you wish your name was?

54. How old do you want to be when you get married?

55. What do you want to name your kids?

56. What kind of hairstyle do you want?

57. When was the last time you brushed your teeth?

58. What are you wearing right now?

59. Say something random:

60. What do you wear to bed?

61. Facebook or Wattpad?

62. Am I getting too personal?

63.  Would you rather spend one night as a prison bitch OR  get drunk/taken drugs and have a gay sexual encounter  with your best friend of the same sex

64. Are you insane?

65. Do you think the drug culture is misunderstood?

66. Are you a fan of Hunter S Thompson?

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