What I did a Week ago

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A week ago today, I interviewed Rue Varron aka Kantess.

So are you a reader, writer, or both? Both. Definitely both.

lol What is your favorite thing to read about? Umm, it's kind of hard to say. I like Romances, Humor, and Werewolf stories. Pretty much anything that isn't overly historical.

Yeah. Don't want to read something that make you feel like your in class What have you been working on here on Wattpad? Umm, I have 3 main stories right now. Rockin' Independence (Humor/Romance), The Nine Nights (Werewolf), Dancing with the Muted Rain (student/teacher/Romance)

What do you want to do with your life? I really want to become an author but I highly doubt that will happen so I might do cosmetology. Like dying and styling hair. :D

What is something you love to do besides writing or reading I love listening to music and hanging out with friends.

What kind of music do you like to listen to? Wow, I'm reading your questions out loud to my sister and her friend and my sister doesn't like what I listen to so she was like 'Everything loud and obnoxious'. Anyways, umm, Britt Nicole, country music, Skillet, Ke$ha, Chris Young, Evanesence, Barlow Girl, and some pop/hip hop. I mainly like something with a good beat.

Tell your sister and her friend I said hey lol & that I agree.  I think ke-dollar sign - ha is obnoxious. but I do like some of her songs. What do you think of Family Guy? Well I like only a few of her songs. I don't literally like her. I mainly like music for the beat. Hahaha Family Guy is pretty good. I haven't watched much of it but what I have watched was hilarious. "Welcome to Cheezy Charlie's HAIL HITLER!" hahahaha. "I'm sorry Timmy but you need 15 tickets to live" falls down trap door

How do you feel about Vampires? I'm not exactly a complete hater of them. But that changes every now and then because of twilight. So many people go on and on and on about Edward and his sparkliness! Edward is fake. Go find someone who is real!

That woman killed the cool factor about Vampires. But I did like he book The Host. What inspires you to write? I haven't read The Host. Is it worth reading? Nothing really inspires me. I just like to write. Or I get an idea from random things that people say and just have that feeling that I need to write about it.

Yeah it is.  I have read it twice. I would watch it if they made a movie of it. What do you think is your best story so far? Cool I'll have to read it then. Umm, I'd have to say Rockin' Independence or The Nine Nights.

Can you give a short summary of Rockin' Independence for possible future Readers Here's the shortest summary I have: It's Rue Dee Rainheart's Senior Year and her Independent Living teacher creates an assignment where 2 students, one boy and one girl, have to live together for their whole Senior year. They each have their separate rooms but share an apartment together. The school provides each couple with a car, apartment or house, and enough money for gas, food, and other items that they will need. To pass this assignment, they have to work out everything (problems, bills, ect.) on their own, keep a job, and overall learn to live with each other and respect others. Rue is not happy with this assignment at all and begs her parents to tell her teacher they won't allow it, but unlike Rue they see it as an opportunity for Rue to see what real life is like and signs the permission slip. Will Rue be able to survive living with Wes, also known as the Emo loner? 

That sounds interesting. I might check it out. What do you think of the cartoons nowadays? 

I don't like any of them for now-a-days. I love all the old cartoons like Garfield, Tom and Jerry, and Smurfs.. ahahha. Smurfs rock. Ohhh and Power Puff Girls Rule! My 20 year old brother watches Power Puff Girls. That just proves it's awesome. Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes. All the old ones are awesome.

I don't like the new ones at all. and I feel it is my job as an older brother to show my sister the greats. lol Hey Arnold and stuff.

So to wrap this up. What would you like to say to your fans and future readers Hey Arnold and Cat and Dog are awesome too! I'd just like to say that I'm glad that they have read

my story and that they support me and just liking my stories all together. It

makes me motivated to write more. :D

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