Forget me not

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(I wanna see Ricky in a snap-back while doing my makeup. That guys a lucky fucker😣)

:Ricky's POV:
So it's been about three months since Motionless has been off tour and we decided it's been long enough.
Oh and we're even working on new music and I'm super stoked about that.
Today we're all going into the studio.
Not to record, but to have a small meeting with our manager.
We all are trying to go on tour in at least two weeks and maybe Into the Roses and New Years Day can be our opening acts for the whole tour.
Yea I know Scar's pregnant and it may not be very heathly for a pregnant woman to be traveling and carrying a heavy guitar while jumping around stage but she's only about two months pregnant so it won't do much harm.
Plus were trying to have the tour only last about five months so she'll be seven months pregnant when the tour's over.
That means she'll have two more month's to rest until her due date, which I think is pretty good.

"Rick!" Yelled Ryan pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, we're here already?"
"Yup, let's go"
We all got of Vinny'scar and walked in the studio.
Hopefully our manager agrees to everything.
We all sat down.
"So...What's up?" Said our manager, Josh.
"We'll, we were wondering if we can go on a five month tour with Into The Roses and New Years Day" said Ghost.
"When will it start?" Josh asked.
"We we're thinking at least in two weeks" said Ryan.
"Let me talk to the bands and their managers so I can arrange something"
"Thank you. This tour is gonna be awesome!" I said.
"I agree. We'll I go to go, I'll confirm everything with you guys tomorrow morning. Oh and don't worry about anything else, I'll take care of it" said Josh as he got up.
"Thank you so much. You're the best!" Said Vinny.
Honestly, Josh can be a real asshole but sometimes he's not that much of a pain in the ass.
"So now that we're here, we might as well record something right?" Suggested Chris.
"Oh come on Chris, we're most likely going on tour in two weeks. Go home. You're gonna miss it a lot during those five months" I said.
"True. Alright fine but I'm going to your house"
"Sounds good" I said as we all got up and into Vinny's car.


Vinny just dropped me and Chris off at my house.
We walked in.
"Scar! I'm home!" I yelled.
"Okay!" She yelled back from the bedroom.
Me and Chris sat down on the couch.
Scar soon came over.
"Sup Chris" She said.
"Hey" he replied.
I looked at her stomach and smiled.
Everytime I look at it, I just have to smile, I can't help it.
Her baby bump is barely noticeable but still cute.
My god, I can't wait till this baby of ours is born...and hopefully it's a girl.

:Scars POV:
I looked at Ricky.
He was staring at my stomach and smiling.
Aww that's cute.
My baby bump isn't too big, it just looks like I gained some weight.
Everytime I think about the baby, I get super excited.

Chris got up and turned on the tv, along with Ricky's Xbox.
I swear, he never plays it I don't know why we still have it.
"Who wants to play?" Questioned Chris.
"Me!" Shouted Ricky.
"Scar?" Said Chris.
"No thanks"
"Oh come on. You know you wanna play"
"Okay fine" I said grabbing a controller from Chris' hand.
He walked back to the console and scanned through the games next to it.
He finally stopped and smiled.
"How 'bout some Guitar Hero?" He said.
"Live?" I said excitedly.
(That games the fucking best. And this time they have cool music like Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon, All Time Low, Motionless In White, Pierce The Veil, etc)

Chris nodded.
Chris put the game in the Xbox and grabbed the guitar for the game.
He then stood in front of the tv and scrolled through all the songs.
"You know what? Why don't we play Break The Cycle?" Chris said selecting the song.
He went on difficulty setting and set it on 'hard'.
He wasn't that great at it but he wasn't so bad either.
Next it was Ricky's turn.
He chose the song Reincarnate.
He went on difficulty settings and out it on 'expert'.
He turned around to face us, smiled and gave two thumbs up.
As soon as the song started he messed up.
He wasn't too good at this game.
At least he got some notes.
"Holy shit this is hard! What the fuck, I'm the guitarist for the actual band god damnit! I should be good at this!" He yelled.

The rest of the night consists of all three of us jumping around, screaming, yelling and shouting at the tv.
Yup, this is what happens when you mix adult metalcore band members with a musical game.
I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called the cops...yet.

So this took a little long to write.
Mostly becuase I'm having some writers block. Well, that sucks.
On the bright side the first chapter for my Andy Biersack story should be published tonight so keep an eye out for that! I'll be announcing it with an A/N.

Bye my Biersackians!❄☁

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