She falls to the to the floor

810 24 16

:Ricky's POV:
I woke up to the guys yelling.
"No that's my chicken wing!" Chris yelled.
"No stop get away" Yelled Balz.
"Guys shut the fuck up. It's only eight in the morning and you guys are are ready fighting" I yelled.
"Sorry, gosh" said Balz.

Yesterday was the last day of Warped tour and today we're going home.
I don't know what Scar's going to do but hopefully she doesn't stay at my house.
Or our house?
I don't know what to call it anymore.
I would usually be excited to go home to see Scar again but I'm not this time.
I would let her stay at the house but I don't think it's the best idea right now.

I checked my phone and I had five missed calls and three messages from Scar.

Ricky I'm so sorry. You don't understand. I didn't cheat.

I'm so sorry Rick. I didn't do it. Please forgive me.

Well hopefully we make up soon and you let me explain what actually happened. I'm sorry. Good night love♡.

I sighed.
I wanted to reply so bad but I just cant.
I don't know what to do with her.
I love her but then I hate her.
I want her in my arms right now but then I want her away from me.
I want to marry her and be mine forever but then I want to forget about her completely.
It's so complicated.

I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair.
I did my usual black makeup and put on my black skinny jeans, a HIM shirt and a black jacket.
I decided I'm going for a walk.

I went outside and walked around, staring at the ground.
I bumped into sombody.
"Hey, watch out" Said a guy.
I looked up to see Scar's band mate, Riley.
"Sorry man" I said.
"It's alright. Hey, Scar didn't cheat on you. She was telli-" I cut him off
"Dude I don't care! I know she cheated and you stay out of it!" I yelled
"I'm just trying to help. She didn't cheat on you! Stop being selfish and ignorant and let her explain!"
"I said stay out of it. It's non of your fucking business"
"No! It is. She's my band mate and best friend and I'm going to do what ever it takes to keep her happy. She loves you and she did not cheat!"

This guy does not understand, does he?
I pushed him and he fell back.
"It's not your problem. Like I said, stay out of it!"
He got up and pushed me back.
I stormed to him and punched him in the jaw.
Jack and Vic came running to us and held both of us back from beating the living crap out of eachother.

"What's the matter with you two?!" Yelled Jack.
"He's trying to get into mine and Scar's business!"
"I'm just trying to help!"
"Riley stay away. Let them figure it out themselves" said Vic and we all stormed out own ways.
Damn, it's going to be hard to choose either to forget or forgive her.

I decided to go back to the bus.
I really didn't want any more trouble.
I walked in and and all the guys were sitting down, eyes locked to their phones or laptops.
I sat next to Vinny.
Ryan cleared his throat and said, "Are you gonna let the fans know about the Scar thing? Or are you gonna leave them with the picture?"
"Uh, I think I might tell them the weddings off till I find out what to do"
He nodded his head.

I grabbed my phone and went on twitter.
Sup guys! So I'm pretty sure the picture of Scar and that dude has spreaded and all of you saw the picture. Yes she did cheat on me. So, the marriage is off and we're separated until I find out what to do. Yea I do still love her but I just can't trust her. Hope you guys understand, thank you'
I posted it and I instantly got people asking me questions about Scar and me and even some about Jessica, don't know why but there were many.

I went ahead and posted it on instagram too.
I sighed as our bus driver came in the room
"Guys it's time to go"
He got in his seat and started driving.
We drove past Into The Roses' bus and I saw Scar and Riot sitting outside.
I miss her.
No! Stop Ricky, you're supposed to be mad at her.
But it's so hard.


We got back to our houses and Chris decided to stay at my place.
Riot had texted me telling me that Scar's staying with her for as long as we need.
I was relieved that she was safe with her.
Yea I may have a love/hate relationship with her but I still want her to be safe.
I walked out of the bathroom and into my room, where Chris was laying down on my bed.
"So are we gonna sleep in the same bed or...?" I asked
"Is that a problem? I can sleep in the living roo-" I cut him off
"No! It's alright. Sleep here, with me. I don't mind"
He nodded his head and I layed next to him.
I didn't want to be alone tonight.

"What's gonna happen when I see her again? Should I forgive her, or forget her? I don't know what to do" I said
"Uh, how do you feel about her right now?"
" I don't know. I love her so much but at the same time, I hate her so much" I felt tears prick my eyes.
He put his hand on my cheek.
"Ricky this stuff isn't easy. She's you're first love. You never told me you've ever loved any of the girls you've been with other than Scar. Think about it, give it time, see where you're feelings go"
"Thank you. This is just so hard"
"I know, I know. It's hard to see you like this. Do what make you happy"
I nodded as I felt tears fall down the side of my face.
Chris wiped them with his hand.
"Don't cry Rick. Come here" he opened his arms to hug me.
I cuddled into his chest.
This isn't weird, he's my best friend.
He held me tightly and I soon fell asleep.

Sorry if the chapters boring. It's kind of a filler so it's not so interesting. I don't have much to say other than...HAPPY BITHDAY GHOST SOLA, even though your birthday's on the 7th and it's the 8th where I live but thats okay.

Bye my Biersackians!❄👻

Ricky's Best Friend//Ricky Horror Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now