My demons are my best friends

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:Ricky's POV:
The drive to the first venue is always boring and long. Everybody is either bored out of their mind, sleeping or on their phone. We used to take turns driving but we got a guy to do that for us, of couse we pay him. I think his mane is Noah. Anyways, I only lay in my bunk to think, read or write. I would be asleep right now but I cant. I'm not sleepy, yea I'm tired but not sleepy.

I wish Scar was here so I could cuddle with her but sadly I can't do that for another three hours.
I decided to get up and go to the front lounge with the guys. Ghost and Balz were on their phones but Ryan, Vinny and Chris were playing the Xbox. I sat in between Balz and Chris.

"Sup" said Balz. I nodded my head once.
"We'll hello to you too" said Chris
I sighed. "Hello my fellow band mates"
They all nodded and hummed.
Ryan, Vinny and Chris kept their eyes locked on the TV screen. They were yelling who was 'boss' and who was the loser. I really didn't care. I only played for fun. Yea I yell at people cuz sometimes you really get into the game but they yell at eachother really scary and agressively. Especially Chris cuz he got the skills to yell and scream very loud. I yell but it doesn't sound scary. They say cuz I'm "small" and I'm a "baby". I'm not that small, but I have to agree I don't have a 'manly' voice like the rest of them.

Vinny tapped me of he arm with his control. "Wanna play?"
I shook my head 'no'
"Okay then"
Wow this is boring. I hate bus rides.

"I think Ima go sleep" I said
They all nodded. I went into the bunk room and got into my bunk. Chris and Ghost got the top bunks, Vinny and Balz got the middle bunks and Ryan and I got the bottom bunks. Of cource they gave me one of the bottom bunks. They always do. They actually gave me one of the top bunks one tour, let's just say it didn't go well. One of them always had to help me up cuz that shit was hard, but that was on them. They chose their bunks.

I layed there for a couple of minutes and finally fell asleep


I felt the side of my bunk sink down a little.
"Hhhm" I hummed as I wasn't fully awake yet
I felt a small thin arm hug my waist. The small figure snuggled into mine. They smelled good, like sweet vanilla.

"Hi" She said kissing my cheek.
The voice was all too familiar.
It was...

:Unknown POV:
(Ooh. Bet you weren't expecting that. Gotta read to find out who it is)

So I heard he was going on tour. Oh this my chance to get him back. To get him to break up with his fagget of a girlfriend. Ugh I hate that bitch. She's so using him for the fame, I just know it. Yea I was using him for the money but I actually love him. She doesnt, you can just see it.

I found the first spot they were and snuck into the parking lot, eveybody was asleep so it was easy. I found their bus. I checked if the door was locked and to my luck, it wasn't. Oh good. Before opening the door, I looked around and saw lots of tour bus'. One caught my eye and it said 'Into The Roses'. Wait, isn't that that the whores band? Oh this is going to be fun, and easy. I walked into the bus making sure not to wake anybody.

I looked at all the bunks and finally found the one with the guy I was look for.
I layed next to him. I hugged his side while he hummed, probably waking up.
"Hi" I said kissing his cheek. His eyes shot open and he looked shocked. Aww, I surprised my baby. I missed him.
"What the hell!" He yelled waking eveyone else in the bus.
"Did you miss me?" I asked
"No! Get out!" We'll that didn't go as planned.

"Dude what happened? Stop yelling" said a sleepy Vinny as the rest only layed there listening.
"It's Jessica!" Ricky yelled and everybody yelled "What?!"
Oh my god. It's either they're excited to see me or they just really missed me. Oh how sweet.

"Get the fuck out!" Yelled Ryan. Whoah, never mind. I forgot they hated me. I don't care Ricky's mine and only mine.

Ghost jumped off his bunk and grabbed my arm. Rude! It really hurt. Ugh I hate him so much!
(A/N: In this story I'm making Jessica a comeplete preppy as bitch...and a crazy, Ricky obssesed women. I don't mean anything she says about the band. It's just for the sake of this story. I have nothing against the band or her)

He pulled me to the front lounge and threw me on the floor.
"Don't you ever come close to Motionless or Scar's band again! You got that?!" He yelled as he kicked my side. Ouch!
"Oww! Yes, yes I understand. I'll stay away!" Lies. He grabbed my shirt by the collor and said,
"You better. If I ever find out you come close to Ricky, Scar or anybody else, you're gonna regret it" he dropped me to the floor. "Get out!" He yelled pointing at the door. I scattered out the door. Pft I'm not scared of a couple of bitchs. Okay I might be a little scared of them but this isn't the end Olson. I'll be back for you and your little slut.

OMF I hate my self for bringing her into the story but I have a reason. I've already planned out some chapters so stay awesome and keep reading...please. Honestly when I started this it was kinda a 'Yolo I'll make it up as it goes on' kind of story but now I decided to start planning eveything and that's exactly why I brang her into the story, cuz I already planned what happens next. I'm excited!

Stay happy not crappy, life's a bitch don't dont - Johnnie Guilbert. I love you guys.

Stay you, stay beautiful and stay strong my Biersackians! ❄

(Wow that's a cheesy 'bye note thingy' but oh well I kinda like it. K bye!)

Ricky's Best Friend//Ricky Horror Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now