The living will fill these coffins

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Here's a picture of Ryan-Ashley because why the fuck not.

:Ghost's POV:
Today my band is going to help me ask Violet to be my girlfriend.
I have to make this special but honestly, I'm nervouse.

I got out of bed and got dressed.
I went into my bathroom and did my hair and makeup

Yea the makeup may be a little too much just for a regular day but it was for a special occasion

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Yea the makeup may be a little too much just for a regular day but it was for a special occasion.
I walked into my living room and called Chris.

:Violet's POV:
I woke up to somebody clear their throat.
I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to see Chris standing by my bed, smiling.
All of Motionless have keys to my house since we're really close so it's not too weird.
"Hi there" he said
"Hey. Uh, you need something?" I asked.
He nodded his head.
"I need you to get out of bed"

I was a little confused but I did it anyways.
I got out of bed and stood in front of Chris.
"Get dressed into something pretty but not too fancy and make yourself look presentable but not too dramatic" he demanded while slowly walking out my room.
I nodded my head.
Chris turned back to look at me and laughed.
"What?" I said
"You look confused"
"I am. Chris, tell me what's going on"
"You're gonna have to wait little lady. Get dressed!"
He walked out the room and closed the door for me.
I sighed and got dressed and fixed my hair and makeup.
I walked out my room and into my living room.
Chris was leaning against my front door while throwing his car keys in the air and catching them again.
He stopped and looked up at me.
"Come on" he said
"Come on we gotta go"

I walked over and he opened the door for me.
He walked me to his car and sat in the passanger seat.
I sat in the back seat and saw Balz in the driver's seat.
"Hey Violet!"
"Hi. Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise"

I sighed.
I was honestly getting frustrated.
We drove off.


Balz parked by a park.
It was my favorite park.
It was always so quite and peacful.
There's never many poeple.
We all got out of the car and I looked over to a bench where Scar was sitting.
"Sup Scar. What's going on?"
"I can't tell you"
I nodded my head.
She got up and grabbed my hand.
Se pulled me to a near by pond.
Ryan and Vinny were standing there.
They were both smiling.
"Sup" said Ryan.
"Hi guys. Can somebody please tell me what's going on?"
"No" said Vinny.
I sighed.
"Why am I here then?"
"Uhh. Just hold on you'll find out in a couple of minutes" said Ryan.

"Violet!" Yelled Ricky from where he was standing near by.
I looked over and he motioned me to walk over
I did and he gave me a hug.
"Hi! Guess what" he said
"We have a special surprise for you"
"What is it?"
He pointed to a tall tree.
Ryan-Ashley was standing there, waving 'hello'.
"Go. She has something for you"
I looked back at him.
I smiled and walked away.
"Hey Violet! I have a surprise for you"
"What is it?"
"It's right behind you"
I was a little confused after she said that but soon realized what she meant.
I turned around to be faced by a tall man.
"Surprise" he said.
"Oh Ghost, what's going on?"

He got down on his knees and put his hands together.
"Violet, you are so amazing and I'm so glad we met you. You've been nothing but a great friend to all of us. You are like no other girl I've known and I love that. You're...unique and beautiful and perfect in my eyes. Well, the whole point of this is to finally open up and tell you my feelings. I've been feeling something that I never thought I would. Violet, I really, really like you. No! I fucking love you. you wanna be my girlfriend?" He said a little shyly.
I smiled.
I can't believe this.
The man of my dreams is telling me he loves me too.
"Devin, oh my god! Yes, yes I'd love to. Oh I love you too"
He smiled and got up on his feet.
He pulled me in for a hug and I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.
All of Motionless, Ryan-Ashley and Scar cheered.
Soon Scar's band came out of a car and congratulated me and Ghost.
I'm so happy to finally be his girlfriend and share this amazing moment with my most favorite people in the world.

Well, sorry for the shitty chapter, it's soo much shorter than usual. I don't like it too much and I didn't know what else to write.
I've been having a teeeeeeny writers block. Anyways, I have some big, exciting events coming up in the story but I just can't put them all out there so soon. Love you guys!

Bye my Biersackians!❄

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