The House

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I was driving down a dirt road while the radio cut in and out. I kept turning the knob but the radio turned into static about an hour of doing that. I turned off the radio and pulled over. I put the car in park and turned it off to save gas. I turned around and my dog, Bella Rose, grumbled at me for waking her up. I pet her coat and she lifts her head.

"Good afternoon sleepyhead."
I pet her head and rub the place between her eyes.

"Do you wanna go outside?"

She suddenly was fully awake and jumped up, whining. I got the leash and hocked her up.

"Ok ok! I'm going as fast as I can!" I say laughing a little.

She climbs in the seat beside me and I open my door to get out, but Bella tromped across the dash and out my door! This cow can't wait 5 seconds! I get out and close my door. I haven't seen a car or anyone for hours, I like it. I walk Bella a little ways up and down while she stops and smells EVERYTHING. I finally get her back in the car and she lays right back down. I pet her head and kiss her a few times telling her all about our new home.

"It has a huge yard so you can run and we can play catch. Then there's a dog house already so you can have shelter when it rains and I'm gone. Doesn't that sound great?!"

She licks my cheek and I kiss the side of her snout.

"This will be good for us Bella, I just know it."

I close the door and get in the drivers seat again. I turn on the car and start again.

After about fifteen minutes we see the small town. I slow down to about 3 mph and see which street I'm on. Towns people stop and point, whispering to each other. Bella pops up and looks at all the people. She barks and I tell her to stop. She grumbles at me and I tell her to stop. I turn right and congratulate myself because I found the houses without stopping for directions to the only selling house in this town. I see the houses 'FOR SALE' sign with a white sticker that says 'SOLD' and pull into the driveway. I park the car but leave it on for Bella.

"Stay here."

I get out and Bella barks realizing she can't follow me. I take pity and go back for her. I turn off my car and I hold the leash tight as I tie it to one of the posts on the porch. For a small town the houses sure have character and high price character too. Some have reading places built in, Repunzel towers, and even pools on the side of the houses. Grant it you have to be rich to buy one of these houses. I sit on the porch and take in the view. I need to trim the grass, see if that tree is alive, and put extend the fence to the front. I stand up and look at the house. It need a paint job and the trimmings to. The deck looks ok. I look at Bella and she sees a way inside. I walk up to the door and feel the top, the guy said the key would be there. I grab it and unlock the door. I lock my car and grab Bella. We walk in and look at the room we walk in. It's a living room and a good sized one. The door is against a wall when opened and the room extends to the right. It has a fireplace on the end. I close the door and see a door a door or two from the entry. I open it and find another room. It's smaller, like a child's room. I think this will be my work room. I walk out and walk into the kitchen witch is off from the living room but blocked by a wall with a door like entry but with no door. There's room for a small dinning table. It has a counter that makes an up side down L to the right and a fridge at the end of the short side. In the middle of the kitchen area is a island. At the end of the long side I see the door to the back. I open it but only the top part goes. I try again and get it this time. Bella rushes out and I watch her from the door. I look at the fencing and decide to touch up on the white paint. I see a huge oak tree in the back yard and think it'll be good for shade on hot days for Bella. I leave the door open and go up the stairs that are next to the small rooms door and next to the kitchen. I come up to find two master bedrooms, each across from each other in one hall. There's a railing with while posts and a wood price on top of them. The inside is in well condition and I like the light tan color with the white trim. It complements the dark wood floors that stretch through out the house. I walk into the right door and see a good sized masters and another door. I look it and see it's a walk in closet that's above half the kitchen. I rush out and see the other room is the same. I walk to the middle of the hall and find the bathroom. It's wider then my last and has a bath, shower, and two sinks. Of course the toilet included. I walk back downstairs and see Bella by the door tilting her head. I open the door and push Bella back. I see a old woman walking into my yard. I wave and yell hello. We meet half way and she says she's my neighbor.

"Hi, I'm Lucy but you can call me gram." Her voice shakes a little and her back hunches over.

She's a chubby woman and clearly a widow, her ring shines in the light but her wrinkles show possible death soon or a person who refuses to die.

"I'm (Y/N), I just moved in." I shake her old wrinkly hand.

"Good, this house needs life in it. And that dog of yours seems to be happy I'm here." She laughs and points at the large window in the living room.

I look and see Bella standing on the window and I motion her to get down. She does and gram laughs.

"Wow! She's a good girl! Must have a good trainer. What breed?"

"German shepherd pure bred. I think I did ok on training her. We still got a ways to go." I say surging.

"Well welcome to the town. Stop by anytime for tea." She starts to walk away.

I tell her goodbye and pull out boxes from my car. I take Bella to the out back and leave here there while I bring in boxes. On my last box I see the moving truck with the rest of my stuff and wave them down. I tell them the rooms boxes are meant to be and that they are labeled to that room. On the last boxes they ask if they can do anything else and I tip them $30 saying no.

Here we go. New house, new town, new people. I walk in and close the door behind me.

"You got this."

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