Chapter 27

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Nashi POV:

I walk around my house for the last time, I don't know when I'll come back to this place. But I know that I'm doing the right thing, Wendi and Collette come over to me and hug me tightly. They have decided to come with me. Back to Fairy Tail.

"What's it like in a guild Nash? I mean I don't have any magic right now, what if I'm no use to them." Collette says worriedly as I pack my suitcase.

"Don't worry, if you don't have any magic power right now they will help you learn some. And until then to get money you will be able to work at the bar with Mira, she is super nice and will help you learn the ropes." I say as Crystal puts some shoes into my bag for me. "Thanks Crystal, so Wendi how did your parents take the news. Oh and your brother!" I say laughing.

"They actually took it really well! They were once a member of Lamia Scale so they were glad I decided to go with a good guild. Does anyone in Fairy Tail know take over magic? Because I kinda already know some of that magic." Wendi says scratching her head awkwardly.

"Yeah the Strauss family know all about that magic! Mirajane the woman who works at the bar is know as the She Devil." I say darkly, this causes them to squeal and hug each other.

 We finish packing and then walk out of Mamas house, I lock the door and put my sword into its holder on my back. I tie my scarf in my hair to hold my bangs out of my face and adjust mama's keys on my hip, taking Collette and Wendi's hand we walk to the train station with Crystal carrying my bag for me. She feels like she should do this because she is my exceed. That's what she tells me anyway! Natsu stands there waiting for us along with Collette's grandparents and Aunt Willow and Uncle Adrian.

"Please take good care of the girls for us Natsu." Willow says with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry I will, and I will tell the Lamia Scale guild master how you are doing here." Natsu says with a big grin on his face.

"What time will the train be here?" Wendi asks me.

"In about three minutes, your going to love it in the guild. Everyone is like one big family! You'll be able to meet Storm, Jenny, Reik, Nicki, Gale, Nova..." I start listing all the guild members while everyone just smiles at me. As I'm going on and on the train turns up.

"Have fun girls, don't get into too much trouble!" Willow shouts as we climb onto the train. Natsu, Carla and Happy go into one compartment and me Collette, Wendi and Crystal in another.

I can hear groaning from dads compartment and laugh, mama told me he had motion sickness.

"Hey Nashi can you pull out one of your spirits? This train journey will be boring otherwise." Wendi says as Wolfden gets smaller and smaller.

"Um how about Yui, she always likes a nice chat!" I pull out her key and focus my magic energy into it.

"Open Gate Of the Pixie! Yui!" I call and in a puff of pink smoke Yui appears and sits in my lap.

"Hello miss Nashi! How are you today? Are we going back to Fairy Tail?" She asks excitedly.

"Um Yui could you tell me information about the guild Lamia Scale?" Wendi asks, she must want to know about her parents guild.

"Of course Wendi, It's master's name is Ooba Babasaama and she seems to have some obsession with spinning. Its located in Margaret Town in Fiore, its guild logo is a Lamia which is a girl with a bikini on the top half of her body and the lower half of her body is a snake's tail. The recent activity of the guild is unknown at this time but the connection with the other guilds is that they joined together with Blue Pegasus, Fairy Tail and Cait Shelter to take down the dark guild Oracion Seis. One of the strongest members in the guild is Jura Neekis one of the ten wizard saints." Yui says with her hands on her head.

"Really? They have a member of the ten wizard saints! That's amazing!" Wendi says smiling.

"Yes it is quite amazing. The guild used their magic to hold together the Cristina, the Blue Pegasus flying ship to ensure that Nirvana wasn't activated. They used one of the exploding lacrima's to destroy one of Nirvana's giant legs, Fairy Tail and Cait Shelter were then able to destroy the remaining legs causing Nirvana to fall." Yui finishes.

Yui continues to give us information as the train keeps rolling onto Magnolia. Once the train reaches there I close Yui's key and we all run off the train, Natsu then comes off swaying slightly with a green face carrying our bags.

"Magnolia is so big! I mean I thought Wolfden was big but this place is HUGE!" Collette says staring in awe.

"Um we haven't even left the train station yet...." I say giggling.

"I still know its HUGE!" She says and we all laugh.

"Dad were going to run to Fairy Tail, can you manage all of the bags?" I ask him.

He responds with a thumbs up and the four of us run to the guild hall, I've missed the streets of Magnolia if I'm honest. As we run Crystal fly's ahead to make sure that she gets the fresh fish from the docks, Collette and Wendi keep stopping and asking questions about the guild.

"What's it like?"

"Are your friends wizards too?"

"Are they friendly?"

With all the questions running through my head I try to answer them but we then come to the guild gates. Both girls stop and stare at the huge building, its looks almost like a castle with fairies on the sign and the fairy tail logo sitting proudly on the top of the guild hall.

"Girls." I say with a hand on the door.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!"  


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