Chapter 2

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Lucy POV: 

I've arrived at the town of Wolfden. I have also decided to change my name from Lucy Heartfilia to Lucy Constella. I get off the train and then decide to look for a place to live. I find that this town is similar to where I used to live because there are many cottages in the town that all work for the family who lives in the mansion on the hill. So I decide to stop off at the mansion to see if I could get some work there so i'm able to live in this town. As i'm walking people smile and wave at me.

This could he a good home for me and my baby.

As I arrive at the mansion and knock on the door. A young maid comes to the door and smiles at me.

"Hello ma'am welcome to the Wolfden Mansion how may I help you today?" She says holding the door open for me to walk inside.

"Um hello my name is Lucy Constella and I was wondering if you had any work going here. I have just moved to the town so was wondering if there was any work here along with a house foe me to live in." I say smiling as I step inside the mansion. 

"Well i'll take you to the Master and Mistress and they can tell you if they can make a position here for you." She says walking off. "Follow me ma'am." She continues and I follow her.

There are a lot of family pictures around this house. Lots of a young couple and two young children. The Mistress looks to be about twenty-five and has long brown hair that is beautiful curled and her eyes are a beautiful brown colour. She wears a green dress in most of the pictures and is always smiling. Her husband the Master looks to be the same age and has blonde hair and green eyes. He is always wearing a black suit and is smiling proudly.

The two children must be twins because they look identical to each other. Brown hair with green eyes. The little girl is always in pinks and purples and the boy in greens and blue's.

"They must be a very loving family" I say to the maid as we continue to walk.

"Yes the Master and Mistress met when they were in a guild together and decided to use their magic to start a business together helping young wizards to find work without needing a guild. They also provide shelter for runaways." She says smiling as we walk.

"If you could wait here i'll tell the Master and Mistress that you are here." She says walking inside the room.

I wait there and think about what the maid told me. They help young runaway Wizards....Like me....But I refuse to call my self helpless and hope that they will have a job for me here. And also somewhere for me to live.

"Please go right in ma'am." The young maid says to me.

"Thank you, by the way what is your name? I never did ask?" I say smiling at her.

"My name is Rosie ma'am." She says walking away.

I step into the room and see a large desk with a young couple sitting side by side and doing work together. The Mistress smiles at me then waves her hand for me to come closer.

"What is your name my dear?" She asks me.

"My name is Lucy Constella." I say getting used to my new name.

"Well Lucy what can we help you with today." She says smiling. 

"Well i've recently come to the area and I was wondering if you had any work here and also somewhere for me to live. I recently left my guild and wanted to know if you had something here for me." I say with a hand on my key holder.

"Well Lucy i'm sure we can find a position here for you. I also see that you are a Wizard, Would you mind telling me what magic you use?" The Master says smiling at me.

"I'm a Celestial Spirit Wizard sir." I say holding up my keys.

"Well as i'm sure Rosie told you we both use magic too. I use Formation magic which lets me create things. Which is how we managed to make our town here. And my wife uses a magic similar to your one but she just uses her imagination." The Master says smiling at me.

They both stand up and ask me to follow them. We walk out of the mansion to a large plot of land not too far from the mansion. The Master asks me how many bedrooms I would like. I say two because of corse I will be having a baby soon. The Mistress keeps looking at me strangely and then pulls me aside.

"Lucy I get the feeling your not telling us all the details of why you came here. I understand that you asked for two bedrooms. I don't want to pry but might I ask you something personal?" She asks me.

"Um of corse ma'am...." I say a little nervously.

"Are you pregnant?" She whispers so her husband won't know.

"Yes I am..." I say looking down.

She nods then walks over to ask her husband something. He has finished the house and I must say it looks amazing! Its a Three story house just like all the other houses in the town. I look and see that its just what I would have wanted.

"Thank you very much sir!" I say bowing slightly.

"Lucy we were wondering if you would like to work in our house as a secretary. Our last one sadly passed away and since everyone already has a job we didn't want to take the job they already have away from them. We would like you to start as soon as your settled." The mistress says to me.

"Thank you very much for giving me this job. I will try my hardest to do a good job." I say because i'm so very grateful to them for giving me a job.

"Dont worry about it child. My name is Adrian and my wife's name is Willow. Once you are settled come to the mansion and we will show you how to do everything." Adrian says smiling and taking the arm of his wife and they both walk away. They are such a cute couple.

I go into the house and pull out one of my Celestial Spirit Keys.

"Open Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" I shout and she appears in front of me. 

"You called Princess?" She says bowing slightly.

"Yes could you help me to set up the house please?" I ask and she smiles and starts to help me put everything into the house.

Once everything is done I look at the time and its 11:00 at night! I close Virgo's gate and then go to my room. I'll look around the house tomorrow evening after my First day of work. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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