Bad things happen

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I'm laying on my bed. It's early morning, maybe something like three or four o'clock. I can't sleep. I feel weird, just like nothing would be true.

I'm sweating, because it's very hot in the bedroom. Maybe the heat causes my weird feeling. I take a sip of water from my glass, witch I keep always on the floor next to my bed.

The water is warm. I almost spit it back in the glass, but I don't do it. I drink some more and then put the glass back on the floor.

Someone coughs. I turn my head quickly and look around. I feel my heartbeat strongly on my chest. I see someone sitting on a bed.

"You're awake (Y/n)?" I hear Hermione whispering. "Yea. Something wrong?" I whisper back. "It's just quite hot in here." Hermione whispers.

I get up, take my waterglass and sneak next to Hermione's bed.

"Here, drink some water." I say and give the glass to Hermione. "Thanks." Hermione says and drinks.

After few seconds Hermione gives the glass back to me. I sneak back to my bed, put the glass on the floor and lay down on my bed.

"I'm pretty scared of what's going to be the attacker's next move." Hermione whispers. "Me too. We need to be careful now." I whisper.

"You want to sleep?" Hermione whispers. "I think I should try to sleep. Otherwise I'm going to miss Gryffindor's quiddich match." I whisper and close my eyes.

"Okay. I'll try to sleep too." Hermione whispers.

Rest of the morning I just lay on my bed, mostly awake. I can sleep just maybe two hours more, but not more.

~At the breakfast~

"Ron, you should eat even a bit! You're not going to play well, if you don't have any energy!" Hermione says and tries to make Ron eat.

"I'm not hungry Mione! You can't force me to eat." Ron answers. "Then don't complain to me afterwards if your match went wrong!" Hermione says angrily.

"Why even should I? You won't understand anything about it anyways!" Ron almost yells and gets up. Then he walks out of the Great Hall.

"Aaaagghhhh, what the hell is wrong with me? I'm feeling so angry and I'm arguing with Ron for no reason!" Hermione says frustraded.

"Calm down Hermione, you just haven't slept enough. That makes people angry." I say. "I think that Ron will understand it, if you just go apologize him." I say calmly.

"Maybe, maybe not. You never know about him." Hermione mumbles. "Hey, the match starts in half an hour. Should we go?" I ask. "We better go, if we want to have good places to sit." Hermione says and gets up.

We go get some warm clothing and then we walk to the quiddich pitch. We walk to the grandstand and pick good places. We sit down and talk about whatever comes in our minds, untill the match starts.

"Hey, look! The match starts!" I hear someone yelling.

Gryffindors cheer alot when Gryffindor's team arrives, but the cheering turns quickly into booing, when Slytherins arrive.

The game starts. It's pretty exiting. Slytherin scores the first points, but Gryffindor catches their lead pretty fast.

"Hermione, is that Draco?" I ask and point at one of the Slytherin players. "Yep, he is Slytherin's seeker. He bought himself into the team, or actually Draco's father did. He bought new brooms for the whole team in first year." Hermione tells.

"I couldn't imagine that he would play quiddich..." I say suprised. "It's a hard thing to believe before you see it..." Hermione says.

I look for Harry. Then I notice him. He is looking around for something. Then I remember that he is Gryffindor's seeker.

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