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I, Hermione, Ron and Harry are waiting outside of the hospital wing. We are waiting for a permission to go to see Ginny. She was unconscious when I and Hermione found her from the forest. She had cuts in her face, arms and chest and she had also multiple bruises. Luckily Hagrid came almost immediately after we found Ginny.

I ran to get Ron and Harry, and then we ran after Hagrid, who carried Ginny to the hospital wing and now we're standing here. Madam Pomfrey opens the door and beckons to Ron. Ron walks in and madam Pomfrey closes the door.

Few moments later professor Dumbledore comes out from the hospital. He whispers someting to Harry. Harry walks in the hospital and closes the door.

"So you two found Ms. Weasley from the forest, am I right?" Dumbledore asks. "Yes professor." Hermione answers. "Can you tell me how and where from the forest you found her?" Dumbledore asks.

"We were at Hagrid's house to join him for a cup of tea. Ginny told us, that she would come right after us, because she had to help her classmate with one homework. But she didn't come there, so we thought that something was wrong. I was going to go look for her, but Fang ran away. We helped Hagrid to catch it. When we caught Fang, we heard someone screaming. We started to walk towards the place, where we heard the scream coming from. And then we found Ginny chained on a tree." I tell.

"Good that you found her, because she would be dead now if you wouldn't had found her." Dumbledore says. "Do you mean that she will stay alive?" Hermione asks. "Yes I do." Dumbledore says. "Thank god." Hermione says.

Then madam Pomfrey opens the hospital wing's door. "You can come in now, if your conversation has ended." Pomfrey says. Dumbledore nods and I and Hermione go to see Ginny.

Now she looks a bit better. Cuts aren't bleeding and she doesn't look so suffering as she did when we found her from the forest. I look at Ron and I see that he has cried. Hermione sits next to Ron and hugs him. Harry sits at the other side of the bed. He holds Ginny's hand. I sit next to Harry.

No one says nothing. We all just watch at Ginny, then each other, but we stay silent all the time.

At the evening we're still at the hospital wing. Ron, Harry and Hermione are sleeping. I just watch at Ginny. Harry is still holding her hand, even he is sleeping. I think at the text at the train's window. "Your life is turning into living hell..soon...". But this thing doesn't make sense. Ginny wasn't in the same cabin with me, Ron, Harry and Hermione. The text had to mean someone of us in the cabin, so why this happend to Ginny?

Thinking about this makes me feel only more and more nervous about what will happen next and to who.

Few hours later Ron, Harry and Hermione wake up. But we still stay silent. We all look at Ginny. She doesn't move at all, if we don't count her breathing witch is slow and steady. But then, she starts to wake up. She opens her eyes slowly. We all feel releaved to see her awake.

"Ginny!" Harry says and smiles. He helps Ginny to sit and then he hugs her. Then Ron hugs her. Their hug is long. Then Hermione hugs her and then I hug her.

"Thank god you are alive. You looked almost dead when we found you." I say. "What happend to you?" Hermione asks. "For god sake Hermione, let her breath for a moment!" Ron says. Hermione gives a fustraded look to Ron.

"Oh c'mon guys take it easy! Ginny tells what she wants and when she wants! We can't force her to tell everything." I say. "I can tell the whole thing, but just...take it easy please." Ginny says.

"I was coming to Hagrid's house, but suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. The attacker covered my mouth so I couldn't shout. Then I felt a sting at the back of my neck and then everything went dark. When I woke up, I was chained to a tree with enchanted chains. I saw two characters in front of me, wearing black clothes and white masks, witch covered their whole faces. Then the other one of them took a knife and cutted my cheek. They keeped cutting and torturing me untill.." Ginny tells and suddenly stops speaking.

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