Dumbledore's office

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"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asks. We're standing in professor Dumbledore's office, but Dumbledore isn't there. Only a phoneix is sitting there and looking at us.

"Where is he?" I ask. "No idea". Ginny says. Then professor Dumbledore walks in his office.

"Oh, you are here already. You were faster that I thought." professor Dumbledore says and sits on his chair. "Please have a seat." he says.

We sit down. I feel nervous, but why? There's nothing I should be nervous about.

"So, I would like to know what happend this morning at the Great Hall to mr. Weasley. I heard that you three saw it all. Is it true?" professor Dumbledore asks. "Yes it is, professor." Hermione says.

"Could you three tell one by one what did you see and hear? If possible, Ms. (L/n) could start." Dumbledore says and looks at me.

"I came to the Great Hall to get some brakefast. Then Malfoy asked me that did I try to kill myself or was it Harry. I answered that it's not his concern. Then he said that I could tell it to him, because he is a trustable person and he could keep secrets. I didn't believe it, so I said that he's lieing and it won't be a secret if I would tell it to him there, because there was other students too. Then I asked as a joke is he blind. He thought that I called him liar and blind, so he got mad. He called me bitch and I said that he is too. Then he got only more mad and was going to show me what happens to people who make fun of him like I did. Then he tried to shoot me with a curse, but Goyle pucked him by a mistake and he aimed wrong. Then the curse hitted Ron." I explain.

"Do you two agree with Ms. (L/n)'s story?" professor Dumbledore asks and looks at Hermione and Ginny. They nod.

"Well, I think that if you agree with everything in Ms. (L/n)'s story, you don't need to tell your versions. Do you agree with her 100% surely in everything what she told?" Dumbledore asks. Ginny and Hermione nod.

"So you say that mr. Malfoy shot mr. Weasley with a curse and is the reason to this tragedy?" professor Dumbledore asks. "Yes, you can go ask anyone who was in the Great Hall when it happend." I say.

"Now I'll hear the story from mr. Malfoy. One of you will stay here." Dumbledore says. "I'll stay." I say. "That is fine for me, is it fine for you two?" professor asks and watches at Ginny and Hermione. They nod again.

All of sudden, Ginny starts to cry. Hermione hugs her and so do I.

"I understand that this was a shock for you, Ms. Weasley." Dumbledore says.

At that moment Draco and professor Snape walk in. Hermione and Ginny stand up and walk out of the office.

I stare at Draco. Right now I want to punch him right into his face as hard as I can. Draco sits down, but Snape stands. Draco looks nervous, but he has a reason. It's suprising, that he doesen't look so condescending as usual.

"Mr. Malfoy, could you tell me, what happend this morning? Ms. (L/n) has told what she saw, so I'd like to hear what did you see." professor Dumbledore says.

Draco gulps.

"I was eating my brakefast with Crabbe and Goyle, when (Y/n) and her friends arrived. I asked her a question, but she didn't answer. She just made fun of me, so I decided to make her pay for that what she did to me, because no one MAKES FUN OF DRACO MALFOY!" Draco shouts.

Dumbledore looks at Draco peacefully.

"Mr. Malfoy, you don't have rights to make any student pay for anything to you. Do you understand that?" Dumbledore asks from Draco. "Yes professor." Draco answers meekly.

I've never heard Draco saying anything meekly. Is he sick or something?

"Well why did you then decided to make Ms. (L/n) pay for what she did?" Dumbledore asks. "I don't know professor. I couldn't control my anger." Draco says.

I'm so amazed right now. I thought that Draco would try to turn everything to my fault, but no. What is seriously going on in Draco's head?

"Now tell me, how did this curse hit mr. Weasley, if you meant to shot mrs. (L/n)?" professor Dumbledore asks.

"Goyle pucked me by a mistake, so I aimed wrong." Draco answers. "So you did not mean to shoot at mr. Weasley?" Dumbledore asks. "No sir." Draco says.

"Mrs. (L/n), do you agree with mr. Malfoy's story about this morning?" Dumbledore asks and looks at me.

"Almost." I answer. "What do you mean with almost?" Dumbledore asks.

"When I came to the Great Hall, Draco asked me a question. I said that it's not his concern, but he just didn't believe me and I didn't straightly said made fun of him. He said that he is a trustable person, but he isn't that for me, so I said that he's lieing. Then I asked is he blind, because it looked like that he didn't seem to understand that there was another students." I say.

"So you say that mr. Malfoy just understood couple of things wrong?" Dumbledore asks.

"Yes and no. He understood things wrong, but we don't have pretty good relations either." I say.

"Alright, now I'll go outside with professor Snape to discuss about that what is going to happen." Dumbledore says and gets up.

Then he and professor Snape go out of the office. Draco and I just sit silent at the office, untill professors come back.

"After these stories it is very obvious, that mr. Malfoy will get punished for this. His punishment will be 10 hours of detention. Also 35 points will be taken from Slytherin." professor Dumbledore says when he comes back to his office. Snape doesn't look very happy, when he comes in after Dumbledore.

"You can leave now." Dumbledore says and looks at me and Draco.

We get up and walk out of the office. We don't say anything. When we get out of the staircase, I go back to the hospital wing and Draco goes somewhere. Propably to Slytherin's common room. Or well, you don't never know.

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