Safe or not?

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I'm sitting on my bed. It's late afternoon. We had a long day today. I'm so tired. I decide to take a nap. I lay down and close my eyes.

I can't sleep, so I just keep my eyes closes and think nothing.

After a long while, I decide to get up. I yawn and open my eyes. I get up and walk downstairs to the common room.

I walk downstairs. I notice Hermione sitting on the couch and reading a book. I go sit next to her.

"Do you know where Harry and Ron are?" I ask. "They're at quiddich practise. Their match is tomorrow." Hermione tells.

"You're going there?" I ask. "Yep. Are you going?" Hermione asks. "I think I could go." I answer.

"I saw a weird dream last night." I tell. "What kind of a dream?" Hermione asks.

"I was in a beautiful clearing, witch was surrounded by trees but all of sudden it turned into hell. Then I heard someone yelling my name and begging me to help. I started to look for the source of the voice. It was Harry, who had bad burns and he was trapped in a hole witch had a glass pane on it. I didn't have my wand, so I broke the glass with a hot rock. I got Harry out of the hole and then we noticed, that flames were surrounding us. We were in a sircle. We started to think a way out. At the end, Harry shot the flames with water and we got out. When Harry said, that we were safe, I heard a voice of Bellatrix yelling that we would never be safe." I tell.

"That was quite scary..." Hermione says. "It was even more scary, when I thinked that it could be a note." I tell.

"How it could be a note?" Hermione asks. "If it was a note, I believe that something bad would happen soon and no one would be safe." I answer.

"I think that it was just a nightmare." Hermione says. "There is always a chance..." I say. "Believe me. A note would have been alot more simple." Hermione says.

"But how about this: The place turned into hell as fast as my life did. Harry was hurted and I love him and the voice...I'm sure that it was Bellatrix. It couldn't be an accidence that it was exacly her voice." I say.

Hermione goes quiet.

"That's what I ment. Do you get it? It can be a note." I say. "I think I got it." Hermione says.

We sit there silently for a moment. I can see a little fear in Hermione's eyes. I believe that she can see that same fear in my eyes.

"Have you been wondering what is the real meaning of these attacks and other things? Or what is the attacker's motive?" Hermione asks.

"Not actually." I answer.

Suddenly I realize something. If it's true...this all can be totally something else...

"Hermione...what if...Bellatrix isn't the person behind this after all?" I ask. "What are you talking about? All of the things and clues are literally yelling the name of Bellatrix!" Hermione says.

"Bellatrix may be a deatheater, but she isn't the only one. She can fit in the theory, but she can be also just a ghost from the past." I say. "Ghost from the past?" Hermione asks.

"Yes...last year she and few another deatheaters tried to steal an old spellbook from my school. I and my best friend Susanne managed to get the book back and we started to run. Bellatrix ran after us. After minutes of running she got enough close to us and threw a dagger trough Susanne's back." I tell.

"Did she survive?" Hermione asks.

"No...she died in front of my eyes..." I answer quietly. I feel how my eyes start to fill up with tears. One tear flows slowly on my cheek.

"Oh no...I'm very sorry for you." Hermione says and hugs me.

Tears flow along my cheeks, but I don't actually cry. I still feel so bad...I just can't hold my emotions when I think of Susanne's death.

"Hey, what's wrong with (Y/n)?" I hear a familiar voice asking.

It belongs to Harry.

"Nothing..." I mumble. Hermione lets me go.

"She was thinking of her best friends death." Hermione tells. "Oh...but why?" Harry asks.

"We were talking about (Y/n)'s dream and is it possible that Bellatrix wouldn't be the attacker and that she would be just a ghost from past. I asked what ghost and (Y/n) explained it to me. That's why." Hermione answers.

Harry sits next to me and wraps his arms around me. He gives a kiss on my forehead and hugs me tightly.

"So...could it be possible?" I ask after Harry takes his arms off me. "I don't know. Your idea makes sense somehow...but the clues literally are pointing at Bellatrix." Hermione answers.

"Well, if it was a note, we will notice it pretty soon. If not, then...nothing happens, I guess." I say.

"I guess that we should be more aware than normally for now. Just in case." Harry suggests. "Not a bad idea." Hermione says.

"By the way, are you coming to watch our quiddich match tomorrow? We play against Slytherin." Harry asks.

"We were planning to come." I answer. "Few more Gryffindor fans never make the match worse." Harry says and winks his eye to me.

I smile slightly. I think I really should go watch the match. I don't even know why I haven't been watching any games before.

"Can you promise that you come?" Harry asks. "I promise." I answer.

Harry gives a kiss on my lips. Then he gets up.

"I need to finish one homework. Could you help me with it?" Harry asks and looks at me. "Okay, I'll help, but I won't tell the answers." I say. "Alright...I'll come back in a second." Harry says and runs upstairs.

In a short moment Harry is back with his homework. Rest of the evening goes fast, while I help Harry. When we finish, it's quite late. We stay at the common room for a while, just hugging and talking. Later we decide to go sleeping.

I walk to bedroom and change on my pajamas. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. Then I slowly fall asleep.

A/n: Sorry, that chapter is pretty weird...I just wrote whatever came on my mind! Hopefully you still enjoyed!

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