Not-so-good day

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"Hermione, we must talk." I say with serious voice. "What happend?" Hermione asks. "I heard professor Snape talking to a woman. He gave her a potion, witch allows her to come inside of the school area and protection spells won't be able to harm her." I tell.

"Well, that sounds pretty weird." Hermione says. "Do you know who are these spells keeping out from our school? If we know that, it's easier to figure out who was Snape talking to." I ask from her. "Wait a moment, I have read about it. I go and get the book from my suitcase." Hermione says and goes to get the book.

In few second she's back with a big book. "This book tells about Hogwarts history. It should be here somewhere..." Hermione says while she's sreaching the right page from the book.

"Look, here it is! It says that the protection spells are casted to keep all kinds of dark forces and dark wizards away." Hermione reads.

"So it's keeping dark arts and dark wizards away...wait a moment. Remember that train attack? Deatheaters attacked us. So could it be..." I wonder outloud.

"Are you trying to say, that Snape would help deatheaters attack on our school?" Hermione asks me.

"Yep, thats exacly what I was going to say." I answer. "But why the heck he would do that?" Hermione wonders.

"I don't know about that, but I think we should go and get some sleep. It's quite late." I say. "I guess you're right." Hermione says and we walk to bedroom.

At the morning I'm again the first of us awake. I dress up and go outside of the bedroom. While I walk down at the stairs, suddenly I stumble and fall down. I hurt my right hand and hit my head at the sharp corner of a stair.

"What happend?" asks a voice of a boy. It's Ron. "Nothing, I just fell down." I answer. Right side of my forehead hurts alot.

"Good morning Ron." Hermione says. "(Y/n) what happend to you? Your forehead is bleeding!" Hermione says and comes closer to me.

"I think you should go to the hospital wing." Hermione says. "Not bad idea at all." I say and stand up.

"Whoa, why the room is spinning around? Or am I just feeling dizzy?" I ask and hold the cut in my head. "You are just feeling dizzy, (Y/n). Come, I'll take you to the hospital wing." Hermione says and tries to keep me standing.

We walk to the hospital wing and we go to Madam Pomfrey.

"What have you done to get that kind of cut?" Madam Pomfrey asks from me. "I just suddenly fell down at the stairs and hit my head." I tell to her.

"Well, Ms. Granger takes you to a bed and waits untill I come to there. Where did I put that potion bottle?" Madam Pomfrey wonders and starts sreaching for the right potion. Hermione takes me to the nearest bed and I sit down.

"What really happend?" she asks. "I don't know. I just suddenly fell down. That's all." I answer. We both sit at the bed for a while, untill Madam Pomfrey comes at least.

"This will feel a bit bad, but it will help." Madam Pomfrey says and opens a small potion bottle.

"Now I need you to turn your head up." she says. I turn my head up and she pours few drops from the bottle to the cut. It feels just a bit bad, but when she finishes, I start to feel better.

"Bleeding has stopped and the potion will fix your cut, but it will take some time. You don't have to stay here, but just remember to be careful untill the cut is fixed, so it doesn't start bleeding again." Madam Pomfrey says. "Thanks alot Madam Pomfrey." I say to her.

"Let's go to get some brakefast, shall we?" I ask from Hermione. "Sure, I'm quite hungry." she answers and we walk to the Great Hall for brakefast.

Magic, tears and blood (Harry Potter X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now