Sweet revenge

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"You're kidding me?" Draco asks. "No. I'm not kidding." I say.

Draco looks at me suspiciously. "When did you decide to tell this kind of things about your friend?" Draco asks. "I decided it on that second, when I truely realized what Harry had done." I say.

All of sudden hospital's door opens. Ron comes in. He looks us suprised. After a small while he walks to us.

"What happened to Ginny? What is this?" Ron asks shocked. "Let me explain." Hermione says. Then she tells everything to Ron. After Hermione finishes telling this all to him, Ron looks completely mad. Well, that isn't suprising, because his best friend just whacked his little sister.

"Ron, Draco, I know this is shocking for both of you, but you must not go revenge to Harry." Hermione says. "Thanks for the idea." Ron says angrily. "Let's go look for that damn Potter. C'mon." Draco says even more angry than Ron. Then Draco and Ron leave.

"Hermione...that wasn't good idea to try to calm them down like that." I say. "Oh god...what have I done." Hermione mumbles.

At that moment, madam Pomfrey comes to check her patients. She was propably taking a nap, because she didn't react at all when Harry was punching Ginny.

Pomfrey comes to us and gasps. "What on earth has happened?" she wonders. "Bad things." I say. Then I tell everything to Pomfrey.

"I would never believe that. Harry Potter whacking someone in school?" Pomfey wonders. "Ms. Granger, could you please go get professors Dumbledore and McGonagall here? I go get some things to fix ms. Weasley's face. Ms. (l/n), please go find mr. Potter." Pomfrey says. "I'll go." I say and run out of hospital.

Draco's P.O.V

How did that damn Potter dare to hurt my girlfriend? I can't wait to get my revenge...

I'm walking outside with blood traitor Weasley. I can't stand being with him usually, but this is a different thing.

"Hey Weasley, have any ideas where Potter is?" I ask. "We could check the bridge and then the Black Lake." Weasley answers. "So you're not sure where he is." I say. "Yeah, but I'm sure that he wasn't at the common room or at the bedroom, because I checked them." Weasley says.

We check the bridge, but there's no one. Then we go to the Black Lake. I see Potter sitting on the dock. Alone.

Such as a perfect situation to get my sweet revenge. Or well, I'm not so sure about the word "sweet".

"Hey Potter! We have some things to deal with you!" I shout while I walk to him.

Potter stands up and looks at me. "How did you dare to hurt my girlfriend?" I ask from Potter. "She deserved a punishment. Now it's your turn." Potter says and takes his wond. "Expelliarmus!" I hear someone shouting. It's Weasley. I see Potter's wand flying to the ground. "You are the one who deserves a punishment! You Harry!" Weasley shouts. He walks to Potter and punches him straight to his face. Then he goes behind Potter and grabs his both arms behind his back.

"Hey Malfoy, you want to get your revenge? Now is your chance." Weasley says. Potter's nose is bleeding and he looks weak.

"Why you even ask?" I ask and walk in front of Potter. I look at his bloody face. "Weasley, you know that I don't want to get my hands dirty, so let's give him a bath." I say and smirk to Weasley.

I make a hole in the ice, but I leave a couple of sharp pieces of ice floating in the hole. "Bath time, Potter." I say and point Potter with my wand. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I yell and lift Potter in the air. Then I move him above the hole and sink him into the water. Then I lift him up and sink him down again. I do it again, again and again untill I want to change the punishment.

I move Potter above the dock and drop him down. "How was your bath? Hopefully it wasn't too cold!" I say and laugh. "Hey Malfoy, it's my turn now." Weasley says. "Oh sure, go ahead." I answer. Weasley drags Potter off the dock to the snowy ground. "Have you been thinking how Ginny felt when you whacked her? Well, if you don't know how she felt, I'll demonstrate it to you." Weasley says. Then he starts to punch Potter.

Your P.O.V

I'm outside looking for Harry. Where could he be? I think different places where Harry would go. First thing witch comes into my mind is Hagrid. Maybe Harry is with him. I start walking towards Hagrid's house.

When I arrive to Hagrid's house, I knock the door.

"Hiya (y/n)." Hagrid says. "Hi Hagrid." I answer. "Have you seen Harry today?" I ask. "Let me think...yep I did. I saw Harry walking towards the Black Lake. Bit later Malfoy was walking there with Ron." Hagrid says.

I gasp.

"Is something wrong (y/n)?" Hagrid asks. "No I'm just looking for Harry. Thanks for the help!" I say quickly and start running towards the Black Lake.

I can just hope that Draco and Ron aren't doing what I think that they're doing.

I arrive to the Black Lake. First thing what I see is Ron punching Harry. Draco is just smirking and looking at Harry.

I don't know should I go help Harry or not. He hurted my friend, but he is my friend.

Or at least he was.

Before I can even concider helping Harry, a fustraded scream runs off from my mouth.

"Ron stop!" I yell. Ron stops, turns around and looks at me. Draco looks at me too.

"Are you defending Harry after all what he did?" Ron asks.

I stay quiet. I don't know why I even shouted or what I should say now.

"I uh..." I mumble. "Are you on his side?" Draco asks and nods towards Harry.

"No I'm not." I answer fast. "Well why did you commanded me to stop?" Ron asks.

"Because I don't want you to be like Harry." I say.

"What do you mean?" Ron asks. "I mean, that I don't want you to...be as stupid as Harry was when he whacked Ginny. You are making the same mistake as Harry did. Revenging on a violent and wrong way." I say.

"Well, if Harry did it, why we couldn't do it too?" Draco asks. "You can maybe do it, but you are still doing the same thing as Harry did, witch means same consequences." I answer. "You both will lose points, get detention on in worst case get explelled!" I say.

"I guess that you don't want to get expelled, right? Draco, can you think how mad your dad would be about it? Ron, how would your family react to it? How about Hermione?" I ask.

Draco looks at Ron and Ron looks at Draco. Hopefully they understood what I mean.

"She's right Malfoy." Ron says. "Did that little speach of hers make you to move on Potter's side?" Draco asks. "No, but she is right. I don't want to cause myself unnecessary trouble." Ron says and stands up.

"And as she said, I'm not on his side, but I don't want to make the same mistake as he did." Ron says. "But you already did." Draco says. "But I don't want to make it worse." Ron says.

~4 hours later~

3rd person P.O.V

Ron and (y/n) took Harry to hospital. They explained everything to professors McGonagall and Dumbledore. Professors were very amazed about the story, but they believed it. After professors had a little conversation, they decided to not expel anyone. But there was some other consiquences. Professors sent letters to Draco's father and Ron's mother. Draco lost 40 points and got several hours of detention. Harry and Ron got the same punishment as Draco did.

How will the story continue now? Will someone solve the mystery of the bloody text? Did Harry lose his best friends in Hogwarts? What will happen to Ginny and Draco? Will (y/n) choose to be with Harry or will she abandon him? Will there be more twist on (y/n)'s life or will it turn back to normal? You can't be sure about anything...exept one thing:

(y/n)'s life has turned completely upside down.

Magic, tears and blood (Harry Potter X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now